A Nottingham street has become popular for walks during the festive period because of its spectacular Christmas lights. Two proud Christmas fans said that parents bring their children to Pairmaine Drive, in St Ann's, to watch the elaborate constructions lighting up the street at dusk.
Toni Makkink, a mum-of-four, said her lights bring a "smile of people's faces". The 26-year-old said she has already started planning ahead for next year's Christmas decorations.
"We moved here three years ago, and we have always had our lights up," she said. "We cannot really decorate the interior because I have two dogs - so we go big with the lights outside."
Read more: Nottingham Christmas fan takes time off work every year to turn Clifton home into Winter Wonderland
Mrs Makkink said "it is not just Christmas" that she has a passion for. "We do Halloween decorations, as well as Easter. I guess it is for the children really", she added.

"Some people bring their children to watch the lights. They are prettier in the evening.
"Next year we want to go bigger, so we will put lights on the whole house. This year, the special addition is the reindeers, and they also move and it looks really nice."
She said that she thought of making a career out of it. "People told me that I have an eye for decorating. Certainly after my children get older I will do something about it."
The rising cost of electric bills does not seem to bother her either. She added: "It is all LED lights, so they do not consume much. I have not noticed a big difference anyway.
"We spend around £7, £8 pounds a day on electrics - but that is the whole house. I would spend less on keeping the lights all day than the tumble dryer.
"It makes people happy, it is like the Christmas street. My next door neighbour's lights are colourful, mine are cold light. I have been told that mine are simple and pretty."
Her next door neighbour is also a Christmas fan, with colourful lights dressing his garden for the festive season. Andrew Turton said he has lived at the address for 30 years.
The 52-year-old, a bus driver, said: "We were foster carers, so we did it mainly for the children. We are in the process to start again.
"They absolutely loved the lights. We always kept the tradition, and we always add something different."
Altogether, the investment costed him around £300. He said he has not noticed a difference in the electric bills, adding: "We have not noticed a difference this year - we have done it every year."