During the jury selection process for Alec Baldwin's shooting trial, special prosecutor Kari Morrissey conducted a thorough examination of potential jurors, focusing on their media consumption habits, gun ownership status, and connections to the film industry. Each juror was not asked every question, but the line of inquiry provided insight into the pool of 70 individuals.
One juror, identified as number 52, expressed a disinterest in news media, to which Morrissey humorously responded in agreement. The discussion also touched on gun ownership, with some jurors advocating for stricter regulations on firearms.
Prior to Morrissey's questioning, Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer had already engaged with the potential jurors. During this phase, one juror disclosed their marijuana use when asked about any hardships that could impact their jury service. The juror mentioned using marijuana daily but had refrained that morning due to driving responsibilities.
Despite this revelation, Judge Sommer did not dismiss the juror from consideration for the trial. The exchange shed light on the diverse backgrounds and perspectives within the jury pool, setting the stage for a comprehensive selection process.