Special counsel's team is facing a high bar for introducing evidence from former Vice President Mike Pence in relation to conversations with former President Donald Trump following the 2020 election. The team sought to frame these interactions as discussions between 'running mates,' where Pence reportedly urged Trump to accept his electoral defeat.
Prosecutors detailed several conversations between Pence and Trump in recent court filings. In one instance on November 7, Pence allegedly advised Trump to focus on his efforts in reviving the Republican Party. Another conversation referenced a meeting where campaign staff informed Trump about the dim prospects of his election challenges.
During a lunch on November 12, Pence reportedly suggested to Trump that he did not have to concede but could acknowledge that the electoral process was over. In a phone call on November 23, Trump purportedly mentioned that one of his private attorneys was doubtful about the election challenges.

Prosecutors highlighted that Pence attempted to support Trump as a friend following the announcement of Joe Biden's victory by news networks. They also noted that Pence encouraged Trump to consider running for reelection in 2024. The prosecutors argued that these conversations were personal in nature and not related to Trump's official duties as president.
In their filing, prosecutors emphasized that the discussions between Trump and Pence regarding their electoral fate and acceptance of election results did not impact any Executive Branch functions. They asserted that the content of these conversations was separate from the responsibilities of the presidency.