Voters from the South Side of Chicago, a historically significant area where former President Barack Obama met his wife Michelle in the 1980s, have been vocal about their opinions on the upcoming 2024 presidential race. The sentiments expressed by residents reflect a range of perspectives, including some unexpected viewpoints.
One voter, Lavar Williams, expressed strong support for former President Trump, stating that he admires Trump for his perceived independence and lack of constraints compared to other politicians. Williams emphasized his belief that Trump operates without any figurative 'leash' controlling his actions.
On the other hand, disabled Navy veteran and Englewood neighborhood property owner Billy Johnson remains undecided on his choice for the upcoming election. Despite his indecision, Johnson commended former President Trump for his economic policies, referring to him as an 'economic genius.' Johnson also expressed concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling her as 'dangerous' due to her access to sensitive information and government agencies.

Nas, the owner of Z-Best catering in Chicago, criticized Harris's prosecutorial record, specifically highlighting her past actions related to drug offenses. Nas voiced disapproval of Harris's approach to criminal justice, citing instances where she allegedly imposed harsh penalties for minor drug-related offenses.
These diverse perspectives underscore the complexity of political opinions within the South Side community. As the 2024 presidential race unfolds, it is evident that voters in this region hold a wide array of views and considerations when evaluating potential candidates.