While this season has been somewhat of a return to form for South Park, my favorite element of the show has been largely absent thus far – Eric Cartman.
Cartman is the heart and soul of this show, the infinitely terrible person who represents the most irritating members of society, and in “Buddha Box,” Cartman is proudly suffering from lazily diagnosed “anxiety.”
It’s important to note that this episode is not intended to mock people who suffer from anxiety disorders, but those awkward individuals who gleefully jump on an excuse to be anti-social. Many of us know at least one person like that, and Cartman parodies that irritating personality wonderfully, screaming at strangers on the street about how uncomfortable he is expressing himself.
All Cartman wants is a way to distance himself from the “needy” people in his life, the friends and family who constantly drain his energy, expecting him to provide conversation and eye contact. Ugh, so demanding.
The solution is to wear a soundproof box over his head connected to his phone, a “Buddha Box,” so he can shut himself off from the world in peace. While anti-smartphone commentary can sometimes be cringy, South Park gets the social isolationism spot-on, and the excuse that we need “me time” by staring at a screen hits way too close to home.
Hilariously, Cartman’s Buddha Box proves insanely popular, as Cartman is dispensing anxiety diagnoses around the school like candy, and most are only too happy for the excuse to disappear into the ether of the internet.
We’re all guilty of ignoring our annoyingly chatty Uber drivers, friends and even our kids with the help of highly addictive apps, games and social media, and sometimes, the solution is to just turn the damn thing off. But not today. Later.
Meanwhile, PC Principal and Strong Woman continue to struggle with the always-hilarious PC babies, who just never run out of things to cry about. The two stressed parents find solace in Buddha Boxes, which allows the babies to escape, and they quickly manage to enforce their iron will on the town, going after the big issues like antiquated gender stereotypes in cocktails and white people who dare to wear dreadlocks.
Admittedly, Matt Stone and Trey Parker can sometimes come across as annoying, small-minded uncles who endlessly complain about the dang millennials and social justice warriors, but you have to admit, it’s pretty damn funny.
Well-intentioned liberal activists might be mercilessly caricatured, but it’s important to be able to laugh at oneself, right side of history or not. And the PC Babies, along with Strong Woman and PC Principal’s difficult relationship, is surprisingly fleshed out, a political cartoon with an in-depth personality.
As the entire town finds themselves drawn to the blissful isolation of Buddha Boxes and Cartman’s behavior grows ever more entitled, Kyle finally snaps and tells him that social anxiety is commonplace, and he just needs to get over himself.
In true Cartman form, he interprets the statement as validation, and pressures the mayor for legal protection from the cruel demands of reality. He might not have a solution, but he demands an answer.
After realizing that they are neglectful parents with strangely successful children, the PC couple finally decides to embrace their relationship, and ignore whatever problematic element they’ve conjured up for themselves.
It’s a surprisingly uplifting ending, as the town’s rapid descent into social withdrawal has the unexpected effect of setting PC Principal and Strong Woman free, and the cute-yet-kind-of-annoying family can finally just … chill.
I’m really enjoying the linear, but non-rigid approach to plot this season has utilized thus far. While it isn’t necessary to have watched the last episode to keep track, past events have proved consequential, and arcs are being played across multiple episodes.
After much experimentation and instability over the last few seasons, South Park has achieved balance.
If you enjoyed reading, check out my review of Nobody Got Cereal?, Time to Get Cereal, The Scoots, ‘Tegridy Farms, Dead Kids, A Boy and A Priest, and The Problem With A Poo