South Ayrshire Council has assumed control at a healthcare at home service - after concerns were raised over the firm’s ability to support people’s wellbeing.
The council has taken over at Prestwick-based Homecare by Hera Ltd, after the firm failed to deliver improvements to its quality of care.
Up to 103 older people, many with physical or mental difficulties, relied on the healthcare at home package.
Their care will now be provided by South Ayrshire Council on behalf of their Health and Social Care Partnership team.
As many as nine staff who worked at Homecare by Hera Ltd will transfer over to the local authority as part of the new agreement, to ensure “continued care.”
Bosses at Homecare by Hera confirmed the business has now closed.
Billy McClean, head of community health and care services at South Ayrshire Council, said: “The South Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) have been working with the Care Inspectorate to address concerns related to the quality of care being provided by Homecare by Hera.
“Our team has been working closely with the company to support improvements.
“However, following a recent follow-up inspection, the HSCP has made the decision to terminate the contract with this provider.
“Homecare by Hera has subsequently decided to close its doors. Staff currently employed by the organisation will transfer to South Ayrshire Council.
“The Health and Social Care Partnership will work with Homecare by Hera to ensure that residents continue to receive a service during this transfer process.”
The tipping point came in September, when the Care Inspectorate carried out a spot check and deemed the service as ‘weak’ across several quality indicators (category 2).

The scrutiny body said they were “not confident” that all staff had undertaken “training appropriate” for their roles, that some staff had not all been recruited “safely” and the Care Inspectorate “could not be confident” that all staff were “registered” with the appropriate regulatory body - the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).
According to the Care Inspectorate, the quality of care was “compromised” by “significant weaknesses.”
The Care Inspectorate said: “As these weaknesses concerned the welfare and safety of people, we made requirements for improvement.”
Those requirements were not met, prompting the termination of the contract and the firm has subsequently closed.
A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “The safety and wellbeing of people experiencing care is always our priority. We work with providers to drive and support improvement where possible.
“A recent inspection of this service found that the provider had not made improvements that we had previously identified.
“While the decision to exit a contract is a matter between the local authority and the provider, we understand this is a worrying time for staff and for those experiencing care and their families.
“South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership are working with the service to support staff and to ensure continued care of service users.”
Patricia Morgan, from Homecare by Hera Ltd, said: “After 10 years in business we have never had a grade below 4.
“After Covid and staffing pressures of the last few years, we have decided to close.
“Hera would like to thank all of our customers over the years and would also like to express our gratitude to our excellent staff.
“We wish them the very best in their future careers.”
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