A priest has resigned from the Soul Survivor church over his handling of an abuse scandal.
Rev Andy Croft said he needed to acknowledge that he has also been “deeply impacted” by the “abusive behaviour” of the church’s founder as he stepped down from his position.
Evangelical preacher Mike Pilavachi founded the Soul Survivor Watford Church in Hertfordshire in 1993, alongside its summer youth festivals, which stopped running four years ago.
The Telegraph reported allegations of abuse made against Rev Canon Pilavachi in April. Among his victim’s claims were accusations that he was running a cult involving a “conveyor belt” of vulnerable young men who were encouraged to receive full-body massages on his bed and participate in wrestling matches as they endured psychological torment and spiritual abuse.
The Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team (NST) and the Diocese of St Albans subsequently launched an investigation and found in September that Pilavachi had spiritually abused his victims for over four decades.
His abuse was described as “a form of emotional and psychological abuse characterised by a systematic pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour in a religious context”.
Evangelical preacher Mike Pilavachi founded the Soul Survivor Watford Church— (Youtube)
The investigation concluded: “He used his spiritual authority to control people and his coercive and controlling behaviour led to inappropriate relationships, the physical wrestling of youths and massaging of young male interns.”
Following Rev Canon Pilavachi’s suspension and subsequent resignation, Rev Andy Croft, the son of the Bishop of Oxford, Rt Rev Dr Steven Croft, took over as leader of the church.
However, he himself was suspended in June in the wake of claims he had failed to act on abuse allegations before the NST investigation was launched.
Previously, Rev Croft has said he is “very sorry” for his actions.
The Church of England said on Thursday that he had been cleared for ministry following an investigation into his safeguarding practices - but he announced his resignation the same day.
Rev Croft joined Soul Survivor as an intern in 2004 when he was 18, before joining the church’s staff in 2008 after graduating from university and becoming joint senior pastor eight years later.
Rev Croft apologised in a statement announcing his departure— (Soul Survivor)
In a statement, released by Soul Survivor, he said: “The stories of victims that have now emerged and the work of the NST have changed my perspective on much of what I have experienced from a young age. I need to acknowledge now that I myself have also been deeply impacted by aspects of Mike’s abusive behaviour.
“In recent months my own failures relating to professional safeguarding practice have become apparent to me… I have had to confront the reality that errors in my judgement may have allowed others to experience pain.
“As someone in leadership, it feels like a profound failure on my part, for which I sincerely apologise. Most importantly, I want to apologise for any way in which my actions have contributed to the pain others have experienced.
“I would also like to pay tribute to the courage shown by those who have shared their stories of Mike Pilavachi’s abuse. Along with many others, I have been profoundly shocked and saddened by the damage caused by Mike’s abuse over decades.”
The Church of England’s investigation into Rev Croft’s safeguarding concluded he “fell short on three occasions”, although two of the instances did not reach the threshold for a disciplinary complaint to be made, while a disciplinary complaint was made in the third instance but has since been dismissed.
Rev Croft said he is “committed to learning from my mistakes” and has subsequently completed further safeguarding training.
He said he will return to ministry in the upcoming months but not in his role as senior pastor at Soul Survivor Watford. “My family and I need to process much of what we have been through over these past years and we feel we can only do this by stepping away,” he added.
Soul Survivor Watford has now commissioned an independent review led by Fiona Scolding KC regarding the allegations surrounding Rev Canon Pilavachi. A full report will be published upon conclusion.
A Soul Survivor Watford spokesperson said they are “deeply grateful” to Rev Croft and his family “for the years of love, support, and leadership they have faithfully given to this church family and the wider Watford community”.
They added: “While we feel a sense of loss in their leaving, we know God will continue to use them as a family in the future and pray his richest blessings on them in this new season.
“We recognise this season has been deeply painful, especially for all those who have been victims of Mike’s abuse. For those impacted, the journey of healing and restoration may be a long one, but we believe that in Jesus there is always hope.”
At the time of his resignation earlier this year, Rev Canon Pilavachi posted a statement on social media, according to the Watford Observer. It read: “I have today resigned as associate pastor of Soul Survivor Watford. I have taken this step because the church needs to heal and I have realised that my continued presence will hinder that process. I seek forgiveness from any whom I have hurt during the course of my ministry.”
He said he had not previously commented publicly “on advice” and would not do so further, adding: “As I do not believe it would be good for anyone if I took part in a trial by media or social media.”
The Independent has been unable to reach Mr Pilavachi for further comment.