The famous Breuer Building is going to be acquired by established auction house Sotheby's, it has just been announced in New York. The celebrated landmark of modernist architecture is set to become the home of the auction house by 2025.
'The acquisition of the Breuer building is an ongoing part of Sotheby’s strategy to grow and enhance its global footprint in order to better serve existing and new collectors across its wide range of collecting categories,' write Sotheby's representatives.

The Breuer Building: a history
The Breuer Building was designed by modernist master Marcel Breuer. It was completed in 1966 and its brutalist architecture facade has become visual shorthand for arts in the city. It has, till now, belonged to the Whitney Museum of American Art. Located at the corner of Madison Avenue and 75th Street, the structure is well known for its inverted ziggurat shape.

'We are honored to acquire and write the next chapter of such an iconic and well-known New York architectural landmark. We often refer to the provenance of artwork, and in the case of The Breuer, there is no history richer than the museum which has housed the Whitney, Metropolitan and Frick collections,' said Sotheby’s CEO Charles Stewart.

The Breuer Building: the future
Sotheby's plans for the Breuer are to turn it into a state-of-the-art gallery and exhibition space. It will serve as a showcase for the auction house's wide range of offerings, and will eventually include 'a reimagined signature auction room, exhibitions spanning Sotheby’s 71 categories across fine art and luxury.' Sotheby's plans also promise that the icon's original intention and nature will be preserved.
Once Sotheby's moves in, the building will be free and open to all visit.