Fifty conservation-bred regent honeyeaters have been released into the Lower Hunter as part of a project to boost the wild population of one of Australia's rarest birds.
The species used to flock in its thousands from Queensland to South Australia, but now there are only around 300 birds left in the wild
Last week's release on on Wonnarua Country was the second large-scale release of conservation-bred regent honeyeaters in NSW.
"We're releasing conservation-bred birds to boost numbers in the wild as part of a national effort to save this critically endangered species," NSW environment minister James Griffin said
"We recently learnt that wild regent honeyeaters are losing their song culture because there are fewer older birds for young regent honeyeaters to learn from. The ability for the regent honeyeater to sing and call is vital to attracting a mate, and the introduction of the Taronga Zoo-bred birds will give these wild birds the chance to learn their songs again, find mates and ensure the species can survive and thrive."
Fifty eight regent honeyeaters were released in the Lower Hunter Valley in 2021. Breeding activity was documented along with assimilation of zoo-bred birds into wild flocks.
Mindaribba Local Aboriginal Land Council chief executive Tara Dever said the successful release on Mindaribba land reflected the deep and intergenerational relationship between the birds and the country at the foot of Mount Tomalpin near Lovedale.
"This country, like its people and this wonderful bird, has survived massive change and upheaval over the past 250 years. While conditions need to be just right, to ensure the birds have enough food and shelter, the deep connection between First Nations People and this land has assisted with the success of the release," she said.

The breeding program is led by Taronga Conservation Society Australia, BirdLife Australia and the NSW Government's $175 million Saving our Species program.
Almost 600 regent honeyeaters have been bred at Taronga Zoo Sydney and Taronga Western Plains Zoo since 2000.
BirdLife Australia's NSW Woodland Bird Program Manager Mick Roderick said around 39 birds will be monitored for up to 10 weeks by BirdLife Australia thanks to support from the Commonwealth Environment Restoration Fund and the NSW Government's Saving our Species program.

"Monitoring will involve a small radio-tracking crew, following transmitter signals and recording individual bird locations and behaviour to understand survival, breeding attempts and dispersal patterns," Mr Roderick said.
"It's incredibly rewarding to see zoo-bred birds form mixed flocks with wild birds, and to know this fledgling flock is supported by so many agencies, groups and communities across Australia."
The community is encouraged to report any sightings of regent honeyeaters to BirdLife Australia on woodlandbirds@birdlife.org.au or 1800 621 056.