Nope, absolutely not. I shall not stand for such blatantly ill-informed, borderline sacrilegious, talk from some random Internet person!
No, sir, I shall not! I shall use my power, my voice, my privilege to counter such words of hate and combat ye! Stand back, folks, things are about to get spicy.
As I do most days before I get into all the clackety clackety of running RideApart, I scroll Reddit. It's both equal parts finding fun stories to relay to you, as well as my daily dose of internet outrage, just enough to get my blood pumping and ready to bring you all the fun blogs with a dose of fire.
But I came across a post on r/Motorcycles yesterday that sent me into a rage spiral so much so that it became, as my friend and colleague Patrick George over at InsideEVs calls it, Slack Law. That's when you talk or rage about something so much, that you're mandated to turn it into something for the rest of the world.
My dear friends, take a look at this post and get angry with me.
A friend of mine said that this is the Cybertruck of motorcycles and I can’t unsee that
byu/Ok-Relief-5999 inmotorcycles
Are you hot under the collar? Are you ready to storm the Bastille? Are you donning your Guys Fawkes mask and getting ready to find the person who compared the absolutely perfect Husqvarna Vitpilen to the Tesla Cybertruck so we can tar, feather, and then parade around for all everyone to mock? Cause I sure as hell am.
I'm sorry, but aside from the brushed steel exterior, the two share nothing alike. The Husqvarna is, for one, far better styled than the idiotic dumpster-looking Tesla. In fact, it's a seriously good-looking bike, both minimalist and beautiful. Whereas the Tesla is just, well, racoons are understandably thinking its bed is a literal dumpster.
Second, the Husky actually works, and its internal combustion engine is on full display. That's just not the case for the Cybertruck and its half-assed engineering. I mean, you can't even hook up a tow hitch-mounted motorcycle or bicycle carrier. And God forbid you try and take it off-road, something the Husky's Svartpilen or Norden siblings can do incredibly well.
Again, the only real similarity between the two is the whole stainless steel on the Husqvarna's tank and the Cybertruck's frumpy whale-looking body. If that's what passes for being the same, well I guess since David Beckham and I both have tattoos, we could be twins!
I cannot wait to inform GQ that they don't have to look for a new cover model, I'm right here.