As the City of Lexington continues to move along sanitary sewer improvement work, some projects are more visible to the eye. And sometimes, it’s in the eye of the driver. Currently, a project along Greentree Road means digging up some of the roadway. Water Quality Division Director Charlie Martin said it involves replacing a pipe with a bigger pipe. He said the work will also increase reliability to individual houses.
“But at the end of the day each one of the households that are there now with all this disruption will have a new sewer lateral leading to the edge of their property with a cleanout that they didn’t have before. That will help long-term operation and maintenance of the system,” said Martin.
The city has been working toward meeting a federal mandate for updating its sanitary and stormwater sewers for years. Martin said a primary arterial road will be the site of a substantial sewer project soon.
“We do have the pipeline project that’s coming up Tates Creek Road right now and also working between Trent Boulevard and Armstrong Mill. That project will be in the street this winter on Kennasaw Drive between Tates Creek and Trent in the Hartland Area,” said Martin.
Plans are to work right through the upcoming holiday periods with projections to have the project done by about mid-February. It’s near access roads for Tates Creek Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. Fayette Schools Chief Communications and Public Engagement Office Spokesperson Dia Davidson said students are getting to school on time and parents and not reporting any problems.
Lexington Environmental Quality and Public Works is a financial supporter of WEKU.
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