Fallout 76's Ghoul Update is live as of last night, and while most players are already plotting all sorts of ways to use the new rad-loving character to their advantage, there are a few players who've encountered a not-so-fun bug.
"Major game-breaking bug with the new ghoul update—please be careful," Both_Emu_2131 says. They then go on to describe how they were disconnected from the server midway through customising the look of their new ghoul character after completing the mission. Unfortunately, when they restarted their game, they were "stuck as a ghoul and unable to complete the mission."
After speaking to Parthenia about becoming a ghoul, you're meant to take an inhaler and head into a launch silo so you can pass out from radiation poisoning—the only problem is that at this point, they are already a ghoul that can't be hurt by radiation. "So I'm stuck in the silo room, and after a few moments, the game simply just disconnects me back to the main menu and the cycle continues," Both_Emu_2131 continues. "PLEASE let people see this. This is a massive issue, and until something happens, my progress is stuck with no way forward."
MAJOR game breaking bug with the new ghoul update please be careful. from r/fo76
While I wasn't locked out from completing the quest, I did encounter the same bug that Both_Emu_2131 describes. I was halfway through deciding what cool scar to give my new ghoul when the game randomly disconnected me. It was pretty frustrating, but I quickly restarted my game and entered back in. Instead of being in Parthenia's lab, I was outside at the entrance to the Hillside Cavern. I went back inside and spoke to Parthenia. The only weird thing was that my character was completely invisible (maybe the game was confused about my character being half-ghoul and half-human at this point), and most of my HP was taken up by rad damage.
Despite not being able to see myself, I managed to stumble my way through the lab, took the inhaler, and entered the silo again. My character did pass out again from radiation poisoning, and I was able to create my ghoul and move on. My only thought as to why this worked for me and not others was maybe because I still had a little bit of HP left and wasn't already completely infected by radiation. But that's just a theory, a game theory.
Otherwise, the ghoul mission is pretty straightforward. Apart from another section where you meet Asher and Parthenia for the first time, where I had a bit of trouble coaxing Parthenia over to the cutscene as she was a little jittery, I didn't have any other major issues with the quest. As for the ghoul bug, it seems like something the devs will fix pretty quickly so players can fulfil their wishes to become ghouls and relax in the Wasteland's most irradiated areas.