The stakes could not be higher and Chris Bin Kali knows it.
"It's only a matter of time before Delta gets here, and it could be bad," he says.
"It will only take one person and we could lose a whole community — lose the whole language, history, lore and culture in one go."
It's a grim message delivered with a sole aim — to get as many Kimberley people vaccinated as quickly as possible.
Mr Bin Kali is a director of the Broome Aboriginal Medical Service, one of half a dozen local Aboriginal health organisations that have come into their own as the clock ticks for WA's borders to open and the deadly Delta COVID strain to arrive.
Outback ingenuity is on display. Some remote communities are raffling off washing machines and fishing gear to those getting the jab.
Open-invite vaxathons are using country and western music and AFL players to try to cut through.
Slowly but surely, it is starting to work.
The latest federal data shows 27 per cent of Kimberley residents over 15 are fully vaccinated, compared to a state average of 41 per cent.
Not great, but the figure is growing steadily and is higher than the Goldfields and Pilbara, which also have high Indigenous populations.
The data disguises a concerningly patchy uptake however — some communities like Djarindjin have more than 90 per cent of people fully vaccinated; others less than 10 per cent.
In Yiyili, myths and hesitancy aren't helping
The tiny bush community of Yiyili is one of more than 100 in the Kimberley wrestling with the vaccination dilemma.
It is thought that fewer than 10 per cent of residents have had the jab.
Among them is Margaret Cox, who teaches Gooniyandi language at the local school.
"We've got to get the needle to keep us safe," she says.
"But some people don't want the needle.
Ms Cox says people want to keep the community closed after the borders open to protect the old people.
But she acknowledges it is not a long-term solution because local people regularly travel in and out of Yiyili for shopping and appointments.
She also mentions a stubbornly persistent belief that Kimberley communities will be immune to COVID during the steamy wet-season months.
'Remote communities misunderstood'
Todd Flanagan is principal of the Yiyili Aboriginal Community School, which works closely with elders like Ms Cox.
He says the most effective approach so far has been visits by trusted local Indigenous doctor Catherine Engelke.
"It had a really positive impact when she could sit down and speak to the elders and help them understand the situation," he said.
"I think remote communities are largely misunderstood by bureaucrats making decisions in offices far away — they'll think we can put a couple of posters up and send people out and people will automatically just get vaccinated.
Mr Flanagan, who has worked in Indigenous education for a decade, says he noticed an immediate difference once the elders agreed to be vaccinated.
"I think the elders are critical to the effectiveness of getting Indigenous communities vaccinated; that needs to be understood.
"More people are showing interest now, but the biggest concern is this pressure to open up borders."
To open or not to open?
It is a growing topic of conversation across the region.
Premier Mark McGowan has so far resisted pressure from the Commonwealth to start reopening once the national vaccination average hits 80 per cent.
But WA cannot remain an island for ever, and the expectation is movement will resume in February or March.
Vickie O'Donnell, who heads Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services, says she expects some communities will opt to remain shut.
"I think there's a strong possibility that if we have communities that don't get to the [target] vaccination rates, that they'll stay in lockdown, and that's across the whole of the state."
Outback challenges
The outback vaccine rollout is complicated by poor telecommunications, limited road access and a highly mobile population.
But in this critical moment, the years of work by Aboriginal health organisations to build a skilled health workforce is delivering a huge payoff.
Lyn Henderson Yates runs the Derby Aboriginal Medical Service, which is overseeing the vaccine rollout in a dozen Aboriginal communities up the Gibb River Road.
"Aboriginal community-controlled health services have been vital in responding promptly," she said.
"Being of the people and of the region cuts through the time delays caused by bringing in people who are unfamiliar with Kimberley people and culture."