Finding a secure environment is a prerequisite to becoming free from addiction and avoiding relapses. After completing treatment programs, people suffering from alcohol or drug misuse find it challenging to change their behavior patterns. Staying in a comfortable sober house together with other individuals who face similar difficulties facilitates moving toward lasting sobriety. Such facilities were established to build a strong community of similarly-minded individuals who want to achieve full recovery. In this guide, we will consider the rules one should follow when staying at a sober house and explore how they can help an addicted individual make progress.
What is a Sober Living House?
Such establishments allow clients to live in a secure environment to stay free from drugs and alcohol. After completing a substance abuse treatment program, a person should acquire healthy habits and learn how to establish lasting connections to become a productive society member again. Unless an individual gets support from other people who walk the same path, it could be arduous to practice sobriety.
Why Stay at a Sober House?
Adhering to specific guidelines and structuring a daily routine allow addicted people to achieve lifelong recovery. Becoming a part of the sober house community allows addicted individuals to learn how to change their behaviors for the better and rejoin society. Besides, they enjoy the following benefits:
Improved security: The facilities are safe. In-staff managers ensure that the clients will follow the rules.
Focus on the community: Peer support allows individuals to establish meaningful connections with other people. By participating in substance abuse group activities, individuals strengthen their relationships with others.
Clean environment: An organized environment minimizes distractions, promotes mental clarity, and encourages healthy routines.
Comprehensive rules: Established rules are an effective way for clients to master discipline and organize their time.
Regular testing: Creating a drug-free environment necessitates conducting random tests.
Furthermore, clients who stay at a sober living house might find it easier to find a job. It allows them to expedite their reintegration into society. All the individuals go through the pre-screening process, which ensures that people who stay at the establishments will be committed to embracing a substance-free lifestyle.
Due to the convenient location, Eco Sober Houses allow clients to quickly access public amenities. Using the housing services provided by the company, every person can transform their behaviors.
What are the Rules of a Sober Living House?
When staying at a facility with other people who want to become free of alcohol addiction or drug abuse, one can fully recover by following the guidelines. A well-structured environment has a beneficial impact on a person’s well-being, as it reduces stress and anxiety.
The Eco Sober Houses promote inclusion and acceptance. The establishments become a haven for those who are searching for motivation to change their lives. Our clients must follow a set of clearly defined rules to succeed.
Prohibition of Alcohol and Drugs
Every individual who wants to live at a sober living house should stay sober as we have a zero-tolerance policy. Following the established rules means avoiding solving conflicts using violence. Gambling and other illegal activities, including prostitution, are prohibited as well.
A person who fails to follow the rules is dismissed right away. Even though this approach may seem too strict, it ensures that clients feel safe during their stay.
Mandatory Recovery Meeting Attendance
Attending scheduled meetings at a sober living house is essential for reinforcing positive habits and achieving sustainable progress. Becoming a part of the community is necessary to take decisive steps toward a healthy life and practice accountability.
Adherence to Curfews
The clients must return to the facility until 11:00 PM on weekdays and 12:30 AM on weekends. This rule was introduced to help clients to follow a schedule and embrace a new lifestyle. It facilitates reducing the risk of relapse and establishing a predictable routine.
Engagement in Employment or Education
The sober living house clients are encouraged to continue to work or study, as it allows them to become fully independent again. They can advance their careers and acquire the necessary skills that will help them in the future.
Participation in Household Responsibilities
Every person is expected to do chores together with other people. It promotes teamwork and encourages discipline. Cleaning the house or doing the dishes are examples of the tasks the individuals may be asked to complete.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
At Eco Sober Houses, clients must take random tests to prove they stopped using substances. If they fail the tests, they won’t be able to stay in a facility.
Restrictions on Visitors
While clients can meet with visitors, overnight stays are approved by the managers. The rule ensures that individuals will fully focus on the recovery process.
Respect for Housemates
Building a supportive community involves respecting other people staying at the establishments and avoiding disruptions. Sober living house clients should be ready to live with people of various backgrounds and accept them without prejudice.
Financial Responsibility
Paying fees on time is crucial to stay at the facilities. Clients should also keep their personal expenses under control to learn how to become fully independent and achieve financial stability.
Why Do Rules Matter?
Reliable housing service providers offer their clients an opportunity to live in an environment free from discrimination. Eco Sober Houses strives to provide equal opportunities to their clients. Their comfortable facilities are the perfect place for those who want to become a part of a highly motivated community and achieve sustainable success.
People who want to remain free from alcohol misuse and drug addiction should follow the rules to create a safe space where everyone can discover the right motivation to overcome an addiction.
Even though staying in a supportive environment is not a strict requirement for those who finish treatment programs, adhering to a well-structured schedule at a sober living house allows people to succeed in various spheres of their lives.
By learning how to follow a specific routine, clients discover an efficient way to organize their time and life. Self-discipline is essential to achieve lasting progress. Individuals discuss their difficulties with their peers to get support and deal with challenges.
Why Choose Eco Sober Houses?
We are a network of facilities built to assist clients with overcoming addiction. This MASH-certified organization provides the perfect place to stay for individuals who are ready to embrace healthy habits and take responsibility for their actions. By providing ADF (alcohol and drug-free) housing services, our sober living house motivates clients to achieve their objectives.
Our qualified staff is ready to assist individuals by offering them an opportunity to live in an environment where they can get encouragement from their roommates. Besides attending regular meetings, doing chores, and accepting personal responsibility for their life, our clients learn how to build on their strengths and deal with their weaknesses. Our approach allows them to develop valuable skills that will help them control their cravings and become addiction-free.