SNP councillors are calling for increased scrutiny as delays were announced to major works on Edinburgh’s historic North Bridge.
The concerns follow the discovery of the poor condition of the concrete within the central bay of the bridge.
And now the group is raising a motion to offer increased support for affected businesses and improved communication for residents in the affected area as the works have reportedly been delayed by around six months.
News of the delays is likely to come as a disappointment to commuters, given the bridge’s status as a key bus route.
The SNP will look to respond to the situation by requesting an urgent update on the new project's completion costs and a detailed timeline of the project management arrangements approaching the completion date at the Full Council meeting on August 25.
The move comes alongside plans to introduce a mass barrier and handrail on the roadway along the length of the bridge after concerns were raised about pedestrian safety.
The summer crowds have seen pedestrians dangerously stepping into the carriageway to escape congestion and avoid lampposts.
Finlay McFarlane, the SNP councillor for the City Centre ward which covers North Bridge, commented: "North Bridge is an incredibly important piece of infrastructure that has been long neglected and I am proud that the previous SNP-led administration grasped the nettle in making sure it will be around for hundreds of years to come.
"Questions must be asked as to when the council was first made aware of the delays and as a result how much capital resource the project will now take to complete. We're now virtually at the end of the festival so it's unlikely that the needed action will be taken before the end of August.
"But we are the festival city and gauging by the number of visitors we've got at the moment, we need to consider how to make sure our visitors for Christmas and Hogmanay will be kept safe."
Councillor Scott Arthur, transport and environment convener for The City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is an extremely complex project to refurbish Edinburgh’s iconic North Bridge and to ensure its longevity as a key link from the north to the south of the city.
"The historic nature of the project, the age of the structure and its heritage value finds the team uncovering previously concealed elements of the bridge which require significant specialist work. Under the previous administration costs rose from £22 million to £62m, and it is now clear local businesses feel they were not adequately supported.
"As Edinburgh’s new transport convener, I have asked for increased updates on the project and requested that council officers work with businesses to see if additional support can be provided.
"I’d like to thank everyone for their patience at this time, and look forward to the completion of the project, which will return this category A designated structure to its full glory.”