NOTE: this article contains spoilers for Snowfall season 6 episode 10, "The Struggle."
Franklin (Damson Idris) turns on everyone as he hits rock bottom. However, his downfall leads him to getting the one thing he hoped to attain from the drug business. Also, one of the biggest loose ends of the show is tied when Peaches (DeRay Davis) reappears. Here's what happened in the series finale.
Ruben is given to the CIA

Franklin’s pager goes off and he immediately calls back the number to hear the CIA threatening him to turn over Ruben (Alejandro Edda) or face prison. Without hesitating, Franklin packs Ruben in the trunk of his car and drives to the drop-off location provided by the CIA.
As Franklin drags Ruben out of the trunk, the KGB operative begs Franklin not to trust the CIA and save his life. The young Saint ignores him and Ruben is left in the hands of the federal government.
Leon and Wanda return to Ghana

In desperate need of cash, Franklin goes to Leon (Isaiah John) in the projects. Franklin asks his best friend how much money he has, and Leon tells him he has $3 million. The former promises that if Leon gives him the whole amount, Franklin will make him a partner in the Spring Street development property. Once Franklin is back on his feet, he'll pay Leon back "five to 10 times" more. Leon turns his friend down, arguing Cissy (Michael Hyatt) sacrificed her life to give Franklin something and Leon won't disrespect that.
In a Teddy-style rant, Franklin states he alone is the reason Leon even has money. With a gun in his hand, he demands Leon give him the money or he's going to take it. Leon's men appear behind Franklin. Realizing he’s outmatched, Franklin leaves.
Later, Leon assures Wanda (Gail Bean) Franklin won't come after him again. But Wanda still drops the bombshell that she's buying a one-way ticket to Ghana. At first, he doesn’t express any plans to go with her.
It's not until a visit with Cissy in jail that he's convinced to leave town. Cissy explains one of her greatest tragedies in life was losing Franklin, but one of her greatest surprises was Leon. Cissy encourages him to go be with Wanda, and to find out who he really wants to be in life so he can come back one day and properly atone for his mistakes.
Veronique leaves Franklin

At Cissy's home, Franklin is trying to regroup when real estate tycoon Paul Davis (Steven Williams) shows up offering to buy Franklin out of the Spring Street development deal. Paul informs Franklin that Veronique (Devyn Tyler) reached out about the idea. Franklin quickly explains to Paul he was misinformed, he's not selling his stake.
Franklin goes to confront his pregnant girlfriend about going behind his back. With his hands around Veronique's neck, he cautions her from ever taking such action again. He explains Spring Street will continue to be funded, as he's sold all the South Central properties to his mom's former boss, Arnold Tulfowitz (Mark Harelik). Veronique is not pleased with the news.
Later when Franklin goes to the bank to get a credit line and make a withdrawal, he learns that Veronique emptied most of the account, taking roughly $800,000, before leaving town.
Franklin and Cissy cut ties

At her plea hearing, Cissy pleads guilty to murder and is remanded without bail until her sentencing. Visiting his mom behind bars, Franklin informs her he's working with his attorney to get the plea tossed. He also cautions her from continuing to run her mouth about the CIA. When he asks why she did all of this, Cissy doesn't say a word to him and walks away.
When Franklin returns for a second visit with her, he's slightly inebriated. He asks for his mom to sign over the ownership of her house so he can sell it. He reminds her he technically bought the house. She again doesn't speak to her son. Franklin goes into a disrespectful tirade, and Cissy leaves as he's escorted out by the guards.
The Peaches mystery is solved

During a meeting with Top Notch (Damien Smith), Franklin is disappointed to hear that Veronique hasn't been found and that the private investigator is cutting ties with Franklin. However, as a parting gift, Top Notch hands over a file that gives the crime boss some hope.
Franklin drives to a mystery home in the suburbs outside of Los Angeles. He sneaks into the house carrying a gun and finds Peaches laying on the couch, apparently in the middle of a drug high.
Peaches admits to having some money in a safe and offers to get it for Franklin. As he goes to get off the couch, Peaches whips out a gun and takes a shot at Franklin, barely missing. Franklin returns fire, killing him. Panicking and walking through the house, Franklin stumbles across the safe, but he’s unable to open it.
He winds up calling a locksmith who comes over to help. Midway through the process, a friend of Peaches stumbles onto the scene. The friend gets nervous for Peaches and runs out of the room, and Franklin chases him down and murders him, frightening the locksmith.
When Franklin returns, he holds a gun on the locksmith and demands he finishes opening the safe. Once it's opened, only $12,000 of the $5 million that Peaches stole is discovered. Franklin hysterically laughs and gives it to the locksmith to take. As the locksmith turns to leave, Franklin shoots him in the back.
Louie's new life and Gustavo returns to wrestling

It's two years later and DEA Agent Tony Marino (Scott Subiono) shows up at a remote farm looking for Louie (Angela Lewis). He tells the owners of the property that she is wanted as one of the largest distributors of cocaine in LA and may have shown up using the alias Carla Huggins. Louie is hiding as she listens to the owners lie and say she was there last winter but has since moved on.
Gustavo (Sergio Peris-Mencheta) is back in the wrestling ring, except this time he's coaching. Once he dismisses the class, he calls the answering service he told Xiamara (Joey Marie Urbina) to use when they last spoke.
To his surprise, he hears a message from Xiamara who shares that she and the boys have settled down in North Carolina. She apologizes for not previously contacting him, but jokes her mom would have killed her. Xiamara concludes the message saying she and the boys miss him and would love to see him if possible, leaving a smile on Gustavo's face.
Franklin gets what he wanted

Another year later, Leon returns to LA from Ghana. He visits a very disheveled Franklin at Cissy’s home that now has an eviction notice tacked to the front door for unpaid taxes.
As the two take a walk around the old neighborhood, Franklin asks about Wanda. Leon responds that it's a "long story," but she's doing good and pursuing a music career. Leon then offers him a chance to join his new business venture, a free legal clinic. But instead, Franklin just wants money to buy a bottle of alcohol from the store he was employed with in season 1, Cho's.
Walking back to the house, they witness the police seizing Cissy's home. Leon wants to pay the tax debt, but Franklin refuses the offer and says he's "free."
You can watch all the Snowfall episodes on Hulu.
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