The messaging platform has packed six exclusive features at the launch which are Rewatch indicator, Badge, Custom app icons, Best friends forever, Ghost trails on Snap Map, and Solar system. It is believed that these new features would enhance the user experience and provide them with customised features.
Snapchat announced that its Plus subscription in India can be purchased through the Snapchat app for Rs. 49 per month. The messaging platform has about more than 100 million users in India who can avail exclusive features of Snapchat+ by purchasing the subscription. Moreover, the messaging platform has already launched its Plus service in the US for approximately Rs. 320 a month.
According to the messaging platform, Indian subscribers will get a Snapchat+ badge for their profile with a Star designation to indicate that the users has subscribed to the Plus service. Meanwhile, this feature is turned off by default. It can be selected manually. The platform also includes a pack of homescreen icons which can be used to customise the appearance of the Snapchat icons.
Users can also track the number of people who are rewatching their stories in the My Story Management section. However, this feature does not reveal the specific names of the other users.
The messaging platform has also launched the Solar System feature. It is a badge for the Friendship Profile for Snapchat+ subscribers. Additionally, users can also pin one of their contacts as their number one best friend.
Snapchat has another interesting feature that shows users the general direction of travel for where their friends have moved recently. This feature is called The Ghost Trail feature for Snap Map. Users would need to share their location for this feature to be active. It is slightly similar to the existing “Map Moves" Snap Map feature which appears when a friend has recently travelled.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp is also planning to launch seven new features with an upcoming update.