A plane was forced to divert after a snake slithered above passengers' heads through the cabin's overhead lights.
The domestic AirAsia flight AK5748 was travelling from from Kuala Lumpur to Tawau, when passengers and crew spotted the slender reptile working its way through the cabin.
Footage onboard capture announcements being made about an emergency landing at Sarawak, Borneo, thanks to the sneaky stowaway,
According to FlightRadar24, an Airbus A320 matching the rumoured plane’s tail number was diverted while en-route to Tawau last night.
Chief Safety Officer Captain Liong Tien Ling said AirAsia is aware of this incident.

In a statement he said: "This is a very rare incident which can occur on any aircraft from time to time.
"The Captain took the appropriate action and the flight will depart for Tawau as soon as possible."
He added the decision to divert the aircraft was a precautionary measure to fumigate the plane, reports TRP.
Captain Liong also confirmed nobody was hurt in the incident, but did not specify if that included the snake.
It is not known how the snake managed to get onboard of its own accord or if it was brought on by another passenger.

Previously, a massive, poisonous snake forced an emergency landing during a two-hour Aeromexico flight between Torreon in the northern state of Coahuila and the Mexican capital.
A university professor who was on the flight told how he helped capture it with a blanket - but showed he had retained his sense of humour and joked he had kept it entertained by giving it an in-flight magazine to read.
The plane’s pilot was reportedly given permission to make a priority landing when he reached his destination and animal control experts alerted so they could board when it arrived and take the reptile away.
Professor Indalecio Medina, whose video was today going viral, joked: “The flying snake. A unique experience on Aeromexico flight 231 from Torreon to Mexico City.”