Dogma, an L.A.-based cannabis brand that donates a portion of its proceeds from each purchase to local and national dog shelters and rescue charities, received a provisional patent for new packaging that allows cannabis users to preserve and consume kief or loose cannabis trichomes, tiny crystals that are a byproduct of processing cannabis flowers.
Dogma Founder and CEO Geoff Doran told Green Market report that although the idea of selling kief is not new (it used to be relatively easy to find until legalization in California), they're giving it an innovative spin. They wanted to differentiate from the competition and offer other than kief-coated joints. Thus, the firm decided to design new packaging that would avoid smashing the flower and would store kief properly.
They added a separate unit, a cup that attaches to the lid of the cannabis flower jar, which contains and preserves kief from losing its smell, potency and flavor.
The new product is called King Kief, offering an 8th of flower with a gram of kief that fits into the package lid.
“Now you have a product that you can say, okay, I’m going to go to this concert and I want kind of an easy night and so you can just smoke the flower. Then you can look at it a different way and say, it’s Friday and I want to get really stoned, so let’s add that Kief,” Doran said.
Doran added that receiving the provisional patent was a strategic move they learned from navigating cannabis markets. “There’s a lot of copying going on in the cannabis industry, and so we’ve learned too many times that we’d better get this patent up. (...) We’re wrapping up the last tidbits to get the official patent on the packaging because it is a little harder obviously to patent cannabis,” Doran added.
He described King Kief as “a budtender product,” that will require “a lot of budtender education” to be introduced in the market. “We know from data that so many decisions are made once you’re at the front door of a dispensary or that you can be swayed, like 70% of decisions can be swayed. If a budtender kind of pushes you in one direction,” Doran explained.
Photo Via Dogma Cannabis.