A devastating incident unfolded in a picturesque Brazilian town popular with tourists, as a small plane crashed on Sunday, resulting in the loss of all 10 passengers on board. The Brazil Civil Defense Agency confirmed the tragic event, revealing that more than a dozen individuals on the ground sustained injuries in the aftermath.
According to reports, the aircraft collided with a home's chimney before striking the second floor of a building and ultimately crashing into a mobile phone shop in Gramado, a predominantly residential area. Emergency services swiftly responded, transporting the injured to nearby hospitals for treatment. Among the casualties, two individuals are reported to be in critical condition due to smoke inhalation.
The cause of the crash remains unknown at this time, leaving authorities and investigators to piece together the sequence of events leading to the tragic outcome. Local media identified the pilot as a Brazilian businessman named Luiz Claudio Galeazzi, who was en route to Sao Paulo State with his family. Galeazzi, along with his wife, three daughters, other relatives, and a company employee, all tragically lost their lives in the accident.
In a heartfelt statement released by Galeazzi's company, Galeazzi & Associados, gratitude was expressed for the outpouring of support and solidarity received from various circles. The company also extended its sympathies to all those impacted by the unfortunate incident in the region.
Security footage captured the Piper plane departing from Canela airport in Rio Grande do Sul State shortly before the crash occurred in Gramado, located approximately 10km away. Gramado, nestled in the scenic Serra Gaucha mountains, is renowned for its cool climate, hiking trails, and charming traditional architecture. The town's rich history, shaped by German and Italian immigrants in the 19th century, has made it a sought-after destination for Christmas vacations.