A tragic incident unfolded in the tourist city of Gramado, located in southern Brazil, as a small plane carrying 10 individuals crashed into shops in the city center. Civil defense officials confirmed that there were no survivors among the occupants of the aircraft.
Governor Eduardo Leite expressed his sorrow over the situation, stating that initial reports indicated the unfortunate fate of those on board. The public security office of Rio Grande do Sul state reported that at least 15 individuals were hospitalized, primarily due to smoke inhalation resulting from the fire ignited by the crash.
Authorities detailed that the plane initially collided with a building's chimney, then impacted the second floor of a house before ultimately crashing into a furniture store. Debris from the crash also reached a nearby inn, adding to the devastation of the incident.
Gramado, nestled in a picturesque mountainous region, is a renowned tourist destination in Rio Grande do Sul. The city had previously faced significant challenges earlier in the year, grappling with unprecedented floods that led to loss of life, destruction of infrastructure, and economic disruptions across the state.
Tragically, this accident occurred just days before Christmas, a time when Gramado is typically bustling with visitors enjoying the festive season. The city, known for its elaborate decorations and vibrant events, now finds itself grappling with this somber event that has cast a shadow over the holiday spirit.