THE Upper Hunter Shire Council is calling on the federal government to support the region's ageing communities in the wake of neighbouring nursing home closures.
The council says it follows increasing financial strain on small councils like itself to meet escalating compliance costs.
Mayor Maurice Collison has written to the Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, requesting immediate and ongoing assistance to prevent further closures and financial losses in rural aged care.
The council runs a 16-bed facility, Gummun Place Hostel in Merriwa, home to an average 14 people.
In his letter, Mayor Collison says the council is losing more than $400,000 a year to keep the hostel operational.
That cost alone "far surpasses" the annual rate income gleaned from the small community of Merriwa, with just over 1000 residents, he said.
"We simply cannot continue to subsidise this facility at such a high cost while still providing essential services like libraries, swimming pools, and sports facilities that our community relies on for health and wellbeing," Cr Collison.
"The federal government has been lax in its support for councils running aged care services. Without urgent assistance, Gummun Place and similar facilities face an uncertain future."
The letter points to the closure of aged care facilities in neighbouring regions, such as Singleton's Mercy Care Services.
The town's Mercy Services nursing home announced on October 30 it is closing down after 40 years, forcing the relocation of 38 residents.
The board of directors of Mercy Services Limited described a challenging environment leading to years of financial difficulties.
Federal Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, echoed the mayor's frustration.
"It shouldn't take a city postcode to get basic aged care," Mr Joyce said.
Without federal government funding, more rural facilities will shut down, leaving families high and dry, he said.
Upper Hunter Shire Council has issued an expression of interest to lease, operate, or potentially purchase Gummun Place Hostel to help secure its long-term viability.
Earlier this year the closure of Wallsend Aged Care Facility was announced.
Anglican Care's Cedar Wharf Lodge in Bulahdelah was set to close but will continue to be run as a nursing home by the board of Stroud Community Lodge.