Hayley McQueen has shared a picture of her post-baby body just four weeks after giving birth.
The Sky Sports presenter and her partner Kirk Newmann recently welcomed their daughter Ayla into the world.
McQueen, who gave birth by C-section, took to social media to share two pictures with her 176,000 followers.
She wrote: "Once upon a time I’d have been terrified about stretch marks & excessive weight gain.
"But the only weight I’ve cared about for the last 10 months has been the healthy weight of my unborn baby.
"I’ve had a couple of negative comments on here from people about this very topic so here I am to address that.

"It’s taken 39 years for me to post a picture in underwear, I’m at my heaviest but also at my absolute happiest.
"I can contently look in the mirror at my puffy belly, the overhang above my stitches, stretch marks & scars & feel so proud of what my body has given me."
McQueen added: "My Instagram paints a picture of newborn bliss.
"Yes Ayla is an angel & a very easy baby thankfully but in reality C section recovery is tough.
"I was in a world of pain the 1st week, didn’t leave my bedroom for 6 days, just walking to the toilet knocked me breathless.

"Don’t even talk to me about looking at the stitches or the splitting & pulling from previous surgery.
"The MRSA meant I had to shower with hospital scrub & wash my hair every single day!
"I dread Kirk giving me daily painful fragmin injections & my thighs are covered in bruises (42 god damn injections).
"Oh & my nipples are still raw. Even 4 weeks on I’ve had sudden heavy bleeding so bad it’s knocked me sick."