We're always in favour of appliances that can make everyday life a bit easier, inside or outside the house. Robot lawn mowers are one such example; they’re an investment that can save you untold amounts of time and effort in the long-term future.
The launch of the EcoFlow Blade, the first intelligent robot lawn mower of its kind, has an added bonus, with automatic lawn sweeping shortening your garden to-do list by yet another task.
The benefits
Robot lawn mowers have been around for a few decades now, keeping lawns neater and gardeners' to-do lists shorter. They work similarly to robot vacuum cleaners, except instead of whizzing around inside your home banishing dirt and dust, they take care of your lawn without you needing to step foot outside.
Though more expensive than manual mowers, these robots are an investment in claiming the time back you would usually spend maintaining your garden.
With technology advancing all the time, it's not surprising that robot lawn mowers are becoming even more capable. One such kitted-out newcomer is the EcoFlow Blade, which not just mows your lawn, but can sweep it up for you too.

What makes the EcoFlow Blade different?
Thanks to intelligent features such as in-built GPS and a LiDAR sensor, the EcoFlow Blade and its Lawn Sweeping Kit (available at an additional cost) can get rid of those piles of leaves and twigs that clutter up your garden, as well as keep your grass at the optimum height throughout the summer months.
All of that means that there's less interaction needed from you when it comes to your garden. While less advanced robot lawn mowers need to have boundary wires laid down or buried outside before mowing starts, the EcoFlow Blade can be prevented from steering over boundaries using an app instead, all enabled by sensors and cameras.

Navigating around hazards is made easy for the same reason, and helped by the fact that the EcoFlow Blade looks something like an amped-up racing car, with large wheels that can lift the mower over obstacles over 40mm and shorter. And if you're worried about the fate of your flowerbeds, then rest assured, as you can create no-go zones across your garden, and watch the progress of the mower from an app, inside the comfort of your home.