Everybody knows He-Man's skull-faced arch-enemy Skeletor. He's one of the most popular action figures and cartoon characters of all time, and let's not forget the memes. But how much do you know about his backstory, and how he became the "Evil Lord of Destruction" he's been billed as in the Masters of the Universe franchise? Well you're about to learn a whole lot, as Dark Horse Comics will publish a new prequel comic that explores Skeletor's backstory, and how it relates to his fellow villain Hordak.

Following the upcoming Netflix animated series Masters of the Universe: Revolution, the series' producers Tim Sheridan, Rob David, and Ted Biaselli will write a four-issue prequel comic also titled Masters of the Universe: Revolution. Alongside artist Daniel HDR, inker Keith Champagne, colorist Brad Simpson, and letterer AndWorld Design, they'll dig into Skeletor's history with Hordak, best known as the main villain of the original She-Ra: Princess of Power animated series from the '80s, and the leader of the Evil Horde. The first issue will feature a main cover by Dave Wilkins and a variant cover by Tyler Boss.
"Journey to the earliest days of one of the universe’s most consequential and fraught team-ups," reads Dark Horse's official description of the Masters of the Universe: Revolution comic. "Hordak is an ambitious general, eager to make his mark; Skeletor is an aspiring mage hungry for power. Joining forces, melding ancient Eternian magic with advanced Horde technology, could bring them all their evil hearts’ desire...but they’ll have to survive each other first."

Skeletor's origin as Keldor, the half-brother of He-Man's father King Randor, has been explored before, and his ties to Hordak and the Evil Horde go back as far as the original animated series.
Masters of the Universe: Revolution the animated series premieres on Netflix on January 25, followed by Masters of the Universe: Revolution #1 the prequel comic on May 15.
Learn all about the best non-Marvel/DC superhero universes in comics.