Minsmere in Suffolk is often described as the “jewel in the crown” of RSPB nature reserves. It is therefore surprising that the charity’s chief executive isn’t clear about its location relative to Sizewell C (Sunak’s warm words on nature sound good, but can they save our last nightingales and swifts?, 31 January). Our project will not be “on top of” the RSPB wetland reserve but will be built on our land next to Sizewell B, which was constructed and has operated without any impact on RSPB Minsmere. There will be absolutely no land-take from the reserve. Indeed, the power station will be located approximately 3km south of RSPB Minsmere’s visitor centre.
We are currently creating 47 hectares of new habitat for marsh harriers and other wildlife between Sizewell C and Minsmere. That’s on top of establishing a nature reserve called Wild Aldhurst next to Sizewell several years ago. Through these and other measures, we will deliver a 19% biodiversity net gain. The RSPB themselves state that the greatest threat to nature is climate change. We agree. That is why we need to stop burning fossil fuels by developing an affordable, low-carbon energy mix mostly made up of renewables and nuclear, including Sizewell C.
Julia Pyke
Director of financing and economic regulation, Sizewell C