Somethin big is happening in Pokémon GO next month. Get ready for a new event with Sizeable Surprises which starts April 4 and runs until April 9. There are exciting bonuses that come along with the event like increased chance to encounter XXS and XXL Pokémon in the wild.
Other event bonuses include Increased chance to encounter Shiny Wailmer and 2× XP for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws or better. By the way the April 2024 Community Day Classic is happening smack dab in the middle of this event. On that day, the bonus XP won't stack with the Catch XP bonus for April Community Day Classic.
Here are the activities available during the Sizeable Surprises event:
- These Pokémon appear more frequently in the wild:
- Diglett
- Mantine
- Wailmer
- Joltik
- Tynamo
- Cutiefly
- Wimpod
- Cetoddle
- Some Trainers might even encounter these Pokémon:
- Onix
- Snorlax
- These Pokémon appear in raids:
- One-Star Raids
- Foongus
- Klink
- Espurr
- Tadbulb
- Three-Star Raids
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Galarian Weezing
- Gyarados
- Snorlax
- Five-Star Raids
- Celesteela (Southern Hemisphere)
- Kartana (Northern Hemisphere)
- Mega Raids
- Mega Charizard X
- These Pokémon are available for trainers to encounter when they complete Field Research tasks:
- Onix
- Snorlax
- Wailmer
- Tynamo
- Cutiefly
- Wimpod
- Complete the Collection Challenges to receive:
- Razz Berries
- Pinap Berries
- XP
- encounters with Wimpod and Wailmer
Trainers should also be on the lookout for Showcases at different PokéStops during the event where they can enter event-themed Pokémon.
London Event
Good this for trainers in London. The London Games Festival 2024 is happening in a few days. It's going to run from March 29 to April 15. Exciting as this event may be, it's pretty much limited to those in the U.K. and Ireland.
Now for those trainers in the regions mentioned, they get to enjoy 50% off the special bundle offer. For just 320 coins, they can have a bundle that contains 2 Incense, 2 Super Incubators and 2 Lucky Eggs. There are also some exciting activities that come with cool rewards. These include:
- Field Research
- Send 5 Gifts and attach a Sticker to Each - Reward: Pokémon Encounter
- Earn 6 Hearts with your Buddy - Reward: Pokémon Encounter
- Catch 10 Pokémon - Reward: Pokémon Encounter
- Timed Research (Me, You, and Pikachu!):
- Make a new friend - Reward: 1000 Stardust
- Trade a Pokémon - Reward: 1000 Experience
- Completion: Pokémon encounter, Red Party Hat Pikachu
- Take a snapshot of your Buddy - Reward: 20 Pikachu Candy
- Completion: 1 Incense, 1 Lure
Pokémon GO is available to download free for mobile via Android and iOS.