A 16-year-old boy who killed another teenager after "meeting to sort out their differences" can be named today
Harley Demmon will serve at least 14 years after being convicted of killing 17-year-old Josh Hall.
A judge lifted an order banning the identification of the teenager at the hearing, reports Gloucestershire Live.
The court had been told how the two teens had arranged to meet up to "sort out their differences" as the killer had felt "insulted" by Josh and alleged comments he made about a girl.
But tragically, Josh's attacker brought a knife and he was stabbed six times during the incident, which lasted for less than two minutes.
During today's sentencing hearing at Gloucester Crown Court, Demmon's apology was rejected by Josh's mum Kirsty Hall who told him: "I will never find forgiveness in my heart for what you did."
And jailing him, Mr Justice Martin Chamberlain said : "Those who know Joshua Hall say he was kind, intelligent charming and charismatic.
"We are here because you murdered Joshua Hall.
"Nothing I say can take away his parent’s pain. They will have to live with it forever because of what you’ve done.”

The defendant was told he would only be released after 14 years when the parole board deems fit and will remain on licence for life.
The court heard Josh suffered several stab and slash wounds during the attack in Dursley, Glos., on Friday 16 April shortly before 1.20pm.
One wound in his abdomen ultimately proved fatal despite the best efforts of emergency services on the scene and in Bristol Southmead Hospital.
Demmon, who was 15 at the time of the attack, denied murder and told the court that he was trying to "warn" Josh away with the knife, and that he "didn't mean to stab him".
However, jurors returned a guilty verdict after a two-week trial.
During the hearing today, Josh's parents Kirsty and Michael Hall both read emotional victim impact statements.

Kirsty told the court: "It took just one minute for the world to blow up, and I knew my happy smiley best friend was never coming back.
“The sentence needs to reflect the premeditated savagery of this action. It must act as a deterrent to young people. It is a chance for this court to take a stand against knife crime.”
Addressing her son's killer directly, she told him: "I hope you will one day comprehend the actions you took that day.
“You changed the course of my family’s life forever.
“You apologised in court. But you misrepresented the facts.
"I do not accept your apology, I will never find forgiveness in my heart for what you did.”

The jury were shown chilling CCTV footage showing the killer walking up to the Cam Sports Ground calmly carrying a knife concealed under his clothes.
Minutes later he is seen running out confused and switching directions as he attempted to flee the scene.
Between the two clips, Josh was stabbed to death six times.
Eleven character references were submitted on behalf of the defendant.
Defending, Edward Brown pointed out the 'significant remorse and distress' of the defendant, who called the police and told them where the murder weapon could be found.
He added: "There is significant evidence of genuine remorse from a number of different sources.
"The defendant has no police convictions. He accepted having been in fights but the level of criminality is unusually low for a young person who has committed murder with a knife.
"There is plainly a considerate side to the defendant. There is clear evidence that there is a completely different side to this young person.
"That again is unusual. It is impossible to dismiss all the evidence of remorse as having been exaggerated."
After the guilty verdict, Josh’s family called on lessons to be learnt to avoid similar tragedies.
They said: "We feel all parents need to learn an urgent and desperate lesson to take closer notice and involvement in the lives of their young people, in particular on social media.
"Similarly far too many lives are being destroyed by knives, with social media an aggravating factor.
"The circumstances of Josh’s stabbing are so deeply shocking - a small sleepy Gloucestershire town, a sunny mid-afternoon in April and a young man carrying a butcher's knife for months beforehand.
"Parents and communities cannot rely on the authorities to provide a moral education to their children.
"Joshua was and always will be a source of light and beauty for our family. We will continue to share our pride that Josh spread love and helped people greatly, despite his youth.
"We will continue to tell our youngest how amazing a person and brother Josh was."
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