Can be transferred indoors once the summer ends
Homebase, 0845 077 8888
homebase.co.uk Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian

The quintessential English garden pastime.
From Jaques, 01732 500 200
jaques.co.uk Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian

This traditional game has been supersized to more than three feet tall
By Traditional Garden Games
From amazon.co.uk Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian

These blow-up goal posts are easy to take to the park.
From the Conran Shop, 020 7589 7401
conranshop.co.uk Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian

A great way to involve the whole family.
From Marks and Spencer, 0845 302 1234
marksandspencer.com Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian

Dip the ball in water, and each time you hit it you are showered with cooling drops.
John Lewis, 08456 049 049
johnlewis.com Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian