After launching an online store recently, the Sisters of the Valley are giving away one thousand packets with souvenir hemp seeds from their farm in California to celebrate their customers and the coming of spring.
On Wednesday, the Sisters announced they will be sending seeds to one thousand customers, each of whom will receive a thank you card and a packet of hemp seeds in the mail.
“Worried about Covid, economic collapse, global warming, supply chain issues, uncompassionate governments? So are we!” said Sister Kate in a recent press release. “Learn to grow your own food and medicine,” she advised. “It’s healing in itself just to be doing something.”
The Sisters don’t sell the seeds in their store by themselves but give them away when bundles are purchased. In the coming months, a thousand people across America will receive their hemp seed packets.
“We aren’t shipping internationally,” explained Sister Sophia, “because, firstly, there won’t be a lot of them since our international sales have fallen from 20% to 3% during Covid. And secondly, we don’t want to get anyone in trouble. We will reach out to those international customers and see if they want us to mail them, before we do.”
The Sisters will pull all the names and begin shipping the seeds on February 1st. They expect to send 500 out in February and 500 out in March.
The Sisters agree that it’s a great deal for the customers as even those who come in during late January and buy a ten-dollar tin of salve, will get their seeds in time for spring planting.
Image Courtesy of The Sisters of the Valley.