During the trial for the tragic Oxford High School shooting, Reina St. Juliana, the sister of 14-year-old victim Hana, delivered a heart-wrenching victim impact statement that shed light on the profound impact of the loss on her family.
Reina began her statement by painting a poignant picture of the devastation caused by Hana's untimely death. She shared how their 10-year-old brother had to grapple with the task of writing a eulogy for his sister before even mastering the art of essay writing, underscoring the heavy burden placed on their young shoulders.
Recalling the last moments she spent with Hana on the day of the shooting, Reina expressed deep regret over not being able to bid her sister a proper goodbye. She lamented the fact that she never had the chance to remind Hana of her love and the special bond they shared, emphasizing the profound loss of a future filled with shared experiences and sisterly companionship.
Expressing her dissatisfaction with the maximum sentence of 15 years that the perpetrator could receive, Reina highlighted the injustice of such a limited punishment in comparison to the precious life that Hana was robbed of. She poignantly stated, 'Hana didn't even have 15 years to live,' underscoring the irreplaceable void left by her sister's absence.
The emotional testimony provided by Reina St. Juliana offers a glimpse into the enduring pain and grief experienced by families affected by senseless acts of violence. It serves as a stark reminder of the far-reaching consequences of such tragedies and the profound impact they have on the lives of those left behind.