Residents of leafy village that was terrorised by a man in a gimp suit say that the sinister figure has returned.
The quiet village of Yatton in Somerset was first plagued by the latex-clad pest in 2018 - and now locals fear the creep has returned to menace villagers once more.
A man in a similar outfit is reported to have approached 19-year-old teaching assistant Kiera Elston at 1am as she walked home with her boyfriend on Sunday.
“It was the most terrifying experience of my life.” said Kiera, who fled with her partner after the chilling encounter.

“I’ve got the image in my head of him walking towards me and staring,” she told the Sun.
“I dread to think what would have happened if I’d been on my own.”
In a 2019 incident, the Mirror reported on a woman who said she’d been charged at by a man wearing an all-in-one black rubber suit.
Abi Conroy, from Birmingham said a man wore a "full black rubbery" outfit and was "grunting and breathing heavily" before he charged at her.
Abi snapped a photo of the man in his full-body outfit - with stitching around the mouth and red eyes - before he vanished through a hedge.
She told reporters at the time: "If I could speak to him now I'd want to know why he does what he does. Everything is running through my head, I'd want him to know just how scary it was.
"I'd want him to know how it's affected me and that just because I'm female doesn't mean I shouldn't be going for a walk on my own at night which is what some have been saying. It's terrifying."
It is alleged that a man in a gimp suit has jumped out on some residents, appeared in windows at night, engaged in inappropriate behaviour with animals and acted suggestively.
When Abi’s wife Pip reported the incident involving her wife to police, an officer referred to the suspect as "Gimp Man".
The officer said "Gimp Man" had been an ongoing issue in the village for years.
Pip said: "He said it's been an ongoing issue for the past four years and that it's normally animals involved or he'd let himself into people's gardens and has been seen humping their grass or breathing on their window sills, strange things like that."
Police sniffer dogs and a helicopter took part in a search.
Two men were arrested in 2019 on suspicion of indecency but no one was charged.
The latest sighting marks the 16th sighting of the sinister mystery man since 2018 in and near Yatton in Somerset.
Police said a search turned up nothing after Sunday’s latest report.