A Scots mum has hit out at her landlords after her son fell through the floorboards twice in their 'home from hell'.
Donna Milne, 30, moved into a basement flat with her two sons Kaleb, eight, and Kolbi, two, in Aberdeen in February - and says she has had nothing but issues since.
The family's kitchen has flooded four times and Kolbi has fallen through the floorboards twice over the past two months, the mum alleges.
The youngster was fortunately unharmed on both occasions, and the floorboards have now finally been fixed.
But desperate mum Donna believes the entire family have had their mental health affected by the living conditions in the rental property.

She claims that Kaleb, who cannot swim, has been left terrified of drowning thanks to the constant flooding and has started wetting the bed since moving into the home.
Unemployed Donna said: "I can see that none of us are happy right now.
"Nothing was done after the first time Kolbi fell through the floor - it took him falling in twice before the housing association sent someone to fix it."
Donna says she and her upstairs neighbour have suffered from repeat flooding that she claims is yet to be resolved.
Most recently, the family-of-three had their Easter break spoiled by a 15 minute downpour of water falling into their kitchen on April 17.
And, despite all of the problems, Donna alleges Grampian Housing Association are reluctant to help.
She said: "The flooding was immense but I couldn't get into the kitchen and start mopping before it stopped because the water was causing my lights to crackle and I was worried about an electrical fire.

"My repair company, Heat Care, have been around to check out the roof but haven't actually done anything to fix the problem.
"On [April 17], an electrician came round but all he did was look at the roof and blame it on my upstairs neighbour's washing machine.
"However, my neighbours have been experiencing flooding in their bathroom too, and think the situation is because of faulty pipes throughout the building
"They've supposedly changed their washing machine three times and are sure it isn't the problem.
"My landlord hasn't helped either - he said the building is seventy years old so I should 'expect it to need some repairs'.
"Personally, I think the property is dangerous but the association keeps telling me it's safe.
"I thought children falling through the floorboards and crackling lights from flooding would speak for itself but apparently not."
A spokesperson for Grampian Housing Association said: "While the cause of the flooding into the ground floor flat has yet to be confirmed as either pipework or from the occupier's washing machine in the upstairs property we can confirm that it is not being caused by any faults in the roof.
"A temporary repair to fix the crackling lights has been made following the report of flooding. A full repair to the tenant's satisfaction will be carried out once we have established the cause of the water ingress.
"The repairs to floorboards were in the hallway of the flat when these were reported as loose and are separate to the flooding issue.
"All repairs have been responded to promptly.
"As a responsible landlord, Grampian Housing Association treats the safety of its tenants very seriously and we are making every effort to identify the route of the problem quickly.
"While this may take a few days we are working with the tenant to ensure her concerns are addressed."
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