New Delhi: Its wedding season in Bollywood! After Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor, Cyrus Sahukar- Vaishali Malahara, singer and 'Bigg Boss OTT' contestant Millind Gaba has now exchanged vows with his girlfriend Pria Beniwal in Delhi.
Several pictures from the couple's wedding ceremony have surfaced online. Millind opted for a golden sherwani, while Pria looked absolutely beautiful in a heavily embroidered lehenga.
The wedding, which was conducted on Saturday, saw the presence of several celebrities including singer Vilen, actor Akshara Singh and 'Bigg Boss 14' fame Shefali Bagga among others.
The couple also recently held a sangeet and cocktail bash for their friends from the industry including Mika Singh, Guru Randhawa, Bhushan Kumar, Prince Narula, Suyyash Rai and many others.
Millind is best known for his songs 'Zindagi Di Paudi', 'Teri Yaari' and 'Yaar Mod Do'. On the other hand, Pria, who is a fashion blogger, is the elder sister of famous YouTuber Harsh Beniwal. (ANI)