Property experts have revealed a cheap way to increase the value of your home by up to 5 per cent and make it more attractive to potential buyers.
Investing in a wisteria plant, which costs around £40, could help you get a higher return on your home should you decide to sell it.
The plant, which is a staple in period dramas, including Bridgerton, gently grows across brickwork and blooms in spring, between April and June, making the outside of a house beautiful.
Rosebie Morton, founder of The Real Flower Company, said home buyers are often seduced by an ambrosial exterior aesthetic.

She told the Daily Mail: "Buying a home can be an incredibly emotional process and there’s plenty of research connecting scent and emotion.
"Not only does wisteria look beautiful, it's a highly fragrant flower with musky notes which linger in the air, evoking a sense of being in the English countryside no matter where you are.
"Potential buyers experiencing this as they walk through your front door are already associating the property with positivity and forming an emotional connection to the home."

However, she warned that it may take up to five years for the plant to bloom in full, so those hoping to create a beautifully-coloured home exterior should consider the length of time it takes it to grow.
Garden expert Sam Jenkinson added that wisteria "brings a touch of nostalgia and heritage to a traditional home or garden".
The plant also attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, contributing to biodiversity.
Wisteria is traditionally associated with English gardens and, as such, it can contribute to the overall appeal of a property, Mr Jenkinson added.

Other ways to increase the value of your home are replacing worktops, taps and other bits in the kitchen.
You could also consider redecorating, which can make a property look brand-new and present more of a blank canvas.
Decluttering and flooring are also recommended if you want to sell your home.
If your bathroom has mould issues, you should aim to solve them as a survey found that a dirty bathroom was the biggest turn-off for buyers.