My perspective on life has completely changed since I became a dad.
I am so lucky to be father to two incredible children – Saoirse, who is now three, and Cillian, who is nearly nine months.
I suppose I always knew I wanted to be a dad.
I am really close to my parents and siblings. I always hoped I would be able to create my own family and thankfully, that happened.
It isn’t always as easy or straightforward for everyone who wishes to become a parent.
It is why I fundamentally believe we need to make big changes in how we regulate assisted human reproduction in Ireland.
When I was Minister for Health, we pursued the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill, which will regulate and provide financial assistance to people with the cost of IVF.
Because everyone should have the same opportunity to become a parent, if that is the road they choose.
For me, fatherhood changed my whole life. The hours I was happy to spend at my desk can sometimes be spent worrying about missed moments and milestones with the children.
The late nights in the Dail voting are now nights I don’t get a chance to put them to bed or do story time. This is, of course, the reality for thousands of parents across the country and I am not complaining. I love the job I do, and I am honoured to do it.
But it does make me even more determined to change how we all work, and how we live. It also makes me frustrated that the political system has failed to change itself.

I am lucky I live in Wicklow, I get to go home every night and often have breakfast time with my children in the morning. Not everyone else has that chance. Fatherhood has also changed my perspective on the other things too. Before Saoirse and Cillian, I don’t think I noticed how quickly time goes.
Every day they amaze me with how grown up they are. I am fascinated with how the mind of a young child works. How they can absorb so much and how curious they are.
Saoirse is three and is the boss of the house, and I feel Cillian is fast moving from little baby before my very eyes.
I will never take being a father for granted. The highlights of my week are reading a book with them on the couch, or watching Paw Patrol, playing in the garden, going for walks with them or putting them to bed.
This Father’s Day I extend a happy Father’s Day to dads across the country, and thank Saoirse and Cillian for having me as their dad – the most important job I have, and ever will have.