One act was among those which impressed judge Simon Cowell on ITV's Britain's Got Talent on Saturday night (May 20) Dance act Unity, which is made up of college friends, prompted the sometimes hard to please judge to reach for the golden buzzer.
They were met with a standing ovation from the crowd, who were cheering on for the judges to press the golden buzzer. Judges Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and Bruno Tonioli were also impressed by the performance. So much so that Simon, 63, hit the buzzer at the end of Unity's performance on Sunday night show and sent the act through to the lives shows.
Unity performed a powerful dance, which highlighted what makes people unique, the Mirror reports. Simon said: "I actually thought that was astonishing, the way that you got your message across was so strong. It was an audition I will never forget. What you have done, you have done it your way. Look, we don't have any golden buzzers left. But sometimes I feel that you should break the rules," he said as he reached over the desk and hit the buzzer.
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Bruno Tonioli said: "You can be anything you want and anyone you want to be. The message is loud and clear. The execution, artistically, your choreography was superb. Amanda added: "For me it was such a beautiful and passionate piece, the message was so strong. Everything that you stand for, all your personalities and the love that you have for each other, all the characters involved in this group. All of that made this such an amazing and special piece. It was beautiful."
Viewers at home were also amazed by Simon's move as one said: "So happy they got the golden buzzer they were so brave and inspiring." "IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE," wrote another.

Someone else added: "Oh my god not this bgt performance of those college kids making me CRY," whilst a fourth gushed: "I loved how they used the dance as way to actually tell their own stories one by one. Just amazing!"
"I loved Unity... really good. Brilliant performances with a great message. They deserve to do well on this show. I'm glad Simon Cowell pressed his golden buzzer again for them. Just brilliant," praised another.
But some fans spotted a flaw, M.E.N reports. One said: "Yeah, unity, we the audience weren't told that there was no golden buzzers left and it was so unexpected that they had to redo the golden buzzer because they weren't recording #BGT." Another tweeted: "@BGT if you didn’t have any Golden buzzers left, why was there gold paper ready to fall? #bgt #britainsgottalent."@jamie_pragnell asked: "So how come you 'suddenly' had confetti yet Bruno didn’t last week?"
And another posted: "So. Is it just me that thinks when @BGT has no golden buzzers left, they surely wouldn’t fill up the golden confetti. However when it was the ‘unexpected’ golden buzzer the confetti was waiting and prepared, when it wasn’t last week?? hmmm.. #BGT."