A SCOT runs an online forum where teenagers discuss killing Muslims and the instigation of a “civil war”, the Sunday National can reveal.
Lennon Lawson posts videos on TikTok calling for Britons to “rise up” against the Government and hosts a Discord server – where children as young as 14 talk about deporting Muslims or murdering them if they refuse.
Users were also asked by the person running the chatroom whether they had any “military experience”.
On his online chatroom, the sick 21-year-old from Dundee allows discussion of Islamophobic violence.
One user asked whether others in the chat – which has 26 members – “like Muslims”, to which a 14-year-old moderator replied: “Look if they pay there [sic] taxes like a British citizen they can stay but if they are living of [sic] our government then get the fuck out”.
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After the moderator’s suggestion of forcibly enlisting Muslims in the British Army is dismissed because “they’ll probably turn”, he replied: “Then shot [sic] them.”
In the same discussion following another user saying that “we need a war to get them out”, he added: “Look I agree, but think about this if we just kill them, then we will look like the bad guys and people will hate us so deport them is our best option but we can kill a few like if there [sic] do not go”.
In one chilling exchange, a user with the handle xtess09 said that Muslims “should get out or die”, the moderator replied: “Yea exactly”.
During a discussion of members’ ages, Lawson said he was 21 and replied to two people saying they were aged 14 and 15, he replied: “Just because you’re younger doesn’t mean you can’t stand up for your country.”
Lawson also discussed gender identity being taught in schools, saying: “Die with honour not with gayness”.
Elsewhere, recruits appeared keen to impress the leader of the so-called “People’s Army”, with the 14-year-old moderator asking Lawson at around 7.45am last Monday: “Sir is there anything you would like me to work on”.
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Lawson’s TikTok posts express fury about the state of the country though his ideology appears to be incoherent.
His channel on the video platform has more than 7000 followers and his posts fetch as much as 200,000 views.
In one video, he said: “The British kingdom is falling and we are allowing it to happen. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Scottish, English, Welsh, Irish, I think we can all agree that we’re being walked over.
“We as the British people need to stand up as one, remove the stigma that we don’t like each other and rise.”
However, in another, he bemoans: “We are more than being on the side of the street in our own country. You’ll see more Englishmen on your streets than anything else. Does that not show you? So wake up and rise.”
In another video, Lawson said: “The British people need a civil war. If you think different, then you are also a coward.”
Prevent, the Government’s controversial anti-extremism scheme, identifies extreme right-wing ideologies as a national security threat – but notes: “Conspiracy theories can act as gateways to radicalised thinking and sometimes violence.
“In some cases, a blurring of ideologies with personal narratives makes it harder to assess the risk that people may pose.”
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Lawson also derided Nigel Farage’s Reform UK saying they were not up to advancing his racist ideology.
In a post criticising Farage’s stance against mass deportations, Lawson hit about at the MP because he “won’t deport the existing families [that] know of these heinous crimes”, in a reference to Asian rape gangs.
Greens MSP Maggie Chapman said: “This kind of vile and sickening rhetoric has no place in Scotland.
“It has not come out of nowhere; it is the consequence of years of toxic political discourse that has been fuelled by parts of our media and the likes of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.
“We should all be deeply concerned about the growth of the far-right, which is being fuelled by a growing and hateful global movement against human rights.”
Lawson did not respond to requests for comment.