Actor Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson, Agastya Nanda has graduated high school. Joining him on his big day were his mother Shweta Bachchan Nanda and sister Navya Naveli. Shweta shared several pictures from the graduation ceremony on Instagram on Sunday.
“In the blink of an eye - congratulations Gus you made it,” Shweta captioned a picture of Agastya and Navya sharing a hug at the ceremony. Agastya is dressed in a white shirt and a sharp grey suit while Navya is seen in a blush pink set of shorts and jacket.
More pictures show Shweta putting a flower on Agastya’s lapel and walking with him holding his hand. “Journey wisely,” she captioned the picture. Sharing a picture of Agastya and Navya, their uncle and actor Abhishek Bachchan also wished him luck. “Congratulations on your graduation Agastya. You’re growing up too fast and way too tall!! #ProudMamu,” he captioned the picture. Actor Hrithik Roshan also wished him luck. “Sweet. Congrats to agastya,” he wrote in a comment.
Agastya reportedly studied at the Sevenoaks School in Kent, London. Navya also graduated from the same school in 2016. She was batchmates with Shah Rukh Khan’s older son Aryan. She is currently pursuing higher studies in New York’s Fordham University while Aryan is learning filmmaking at University of Southern California.
Shweta wrote an article for Vogue magazine in May last year about the emptiness she felt in her life when her two kids left home to study abroad. The article titled ‘Shweta Bachchan Nanda pens her experience of coping with an empty nest,’ also talks about finding a new purpose at 40 when your entire life has been caring for your children.
She talked about how she cried when her kids, daughter Navya and son Agastya, joined school away from home. “I remember reaching my hotel room, empty of everything that was child-related. I sat in the bathroom and wept,” she wrote.
She wrote how she would miss her kids and their daily lives when they were not around. “For me it was the absence of their footsteps on the staircase when they came back from school. How they would fake-faint on the sofa, muddy and sweaty, heavy backpacks full to bursting still on, and I would scream at them for dirtying the upholstery and send them to wash up... Now, life moments comprised rushed FaceTime calls, pixelated and halting as they ran off, laughing, with their friends for class with a breezy ‘chat later’,” she wrote.
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First Published: May 26, 2019 13:13 IST