Thanks to a relatively mild October and November, lawns across the UK have grown wild. But if your lawn needs a haircut, it’s worth taking a moment to consider whether you should be cutting grass in November or not.
There are many lawn care tips out there, from mowing to aerating and even scarifying your lawn to ensure it remains happy and healthy throughout the year. However, sticking to a proper lawn care calendar is the only way to ensure the proper health and future growth of your grass - especially during the autumn months.
As you might already know, November is almost too late to sow grass seed, which probably puts all of your other gardening jobs in question. So, when is it actually too late to give your lawn some autumnal TLC and should you cut grass in November? We asked the experts whether you're too late.

Should you cut grass in November?
Experts generally agree that you should stop cutting your grass between October and the end of November. This will tidy up your garden and ensure that you don’t damage your lawn before the winter chill really arrives.
If you’re compiling your list of jobs to do in the garden in November, you might want to put mowing the lawn to the top of your list, as your window to cut your grass for the final time before winter is running out.
This ultimately depends on the weather, though. Chris McIlroy, lawn expert at The Grass People says, ‘Usually the last mow of the year is in October, but with how the forecast is looking at the moment, my guess is that lawns could still be mowed in November.
‘Grass grows in temperatures 8°C to 10°C and above, so if gardeners put their lawn mowers away now, they’ll find their lawns will still be growing,’ he adds.
However, November is probably your last cutting window before the temperatures drop below 8°C. So, once you’ve successfully completed your final cut, you can store your lawn mower for winter. Just remember to sharpen your lawn mower blades before doing this.

How to safely cut your grass in November
If your grass needs a trim this month, it’s good to know it’s possible. But if you want to ensure that your grass stays healthy over winter, it’s important to take a few precautions when cutting grass in November.
Time it perfectly: Timing is everything when it comes to autumn grass care. Lucy Rhead, gardening enthusiast at Gtech, says, ‘The best time to cut your grass is in the mid to late morning. The idea is to avoid cutting it too early when the morning dew makes the grass wet, but not too late in the evening either, as the grass needs time to recover before the night-time chill sets in.’ Plus, this will ensure that you don’t cut wet grass. You’re also advised to avoid mowing your lawn in November if frost is expected.

Don’t do it as often: If you abide by the lawn mowing calendar, you shouldn’t have to mow your lawn as often in November - and Lucy agrees. She says, ‘Grass grows slower in autumn than in spring and summer, so you don’t need to cut your grass as often! It’s recommended to cut fortnightly (rather than every week) to keep your lawn in the best condition.’
Raise the cutting height: Although you may feel inclined to give your grass a short back and sides in preparation for winter, your lawn still needs some protection during these colder months. So, you should raise the cutting height if you want to cut your grass in November. Morris Hankinson, Managing Director of Hopes Grove Nurseries, advises, 'Set your mower to a higher setting than usual, leaving the grass a bit longer (around 5–6 cm) to help protect it against the cold. Before you mow, clear any leaves off the lawn to allow more sunlight to reach the grass.'
If cordless won in the corded vs cordless lawn mower debate, this is a great option. It's super easy to set up, lightweight and has great cutting power.
What month should you not mow your lawn?
Most experts advise against mowing your lawn in December and January, mainly because there is no need. After all, grass stops growing when the temperatures plummet, so you shouldn’t have to mow it.
However, this all depends on the temperature at the time. If we continue to have mild winters, you may need to trim your lawn occasionally, rather than leaving it until spring. If that’s the case, you’ll need to ensure that you only cut off a small amount at a time to avoid exposing the soil to the cold and frost.
Is November too late to scarify the lawn?
Unlike mowing, November is too late to scarify your lawn. Although this process can be extremely beneficial for your lawn, it can also be extremely stressful and expose your lawn to the elements - which is something you don’t want to do just before winter.
In fact, scarifying your lawn in November could seriously damage or even kill your grass, so it’s just not worth the risk. You should instead wait until the spring (April - May) to do this garden task.