Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo received a fine of 90 thousand euros from the French national government. A fine of that scale could only before a truly grave violation of the law. What did Hidalgo do? Her upper management in the Paris city government included 11 women out of 16 total positions. That meant that the five men composed just over thirty percent, which violated the rule of the French Civil Service Ministry.
Hidalgo’s response was to claim it was absurde to fine her for being far too feminist. Hidalgo’s audacity in naming 11 women of 16 upper management deserves applause in that it marks the arrival of women in leadership. It also exposes the sheer laziness of those who exclude women claiming there aren’t enough qualified ones.
Yet, while Hidalgo’s justifications sound right, they miss the point that to realize gender balance, we also need to protect men and other sexes. Indeed, that’s the very purpose of the French statute Hidalgo violated, and a separate but similar quota for corporate boards. The goal is not solely to advance women, but to advance advance sex equality more broadly.
In response to a persistent question as to when there would be enough women on the Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg famously quipped “When will there be enough women on the court? My answer is when there are nine.”
Hidalgo’s defense echoes Ginsburg’s line: decision makers must “promote women with determination and vigor because the gap is still very big.” It’s a fair point, because in France women are still sorely underrepresented in civil service leadership positions, with only 31% of such positions. What Hidalgo does here echoes a key purpose of one form of feminism, which focuses on advance women’s inclusion in society.
The problem is this – at a certain point in time, advancing women may come at the expense of sex equality, as it did with Hidalgo’s women-dominated leadership team.
What is the right number of women? It’s hard to say. Is it one woman in a group, as India’s quota for women on boards mandated in 2013? Is it forty percent, the level mandated by the French statute governing the civil service that Hidalgo violated? This matches the level of many corporate board quotas, including that of France, that mandate a forty percent floor for men or women. Or is it fifty percent exactly, representing the approximate percentage of women in the population. This level was endorsed by France’s original, path-breaking 2000 political quota, Parity, which obligated political parties to name women to fully half of all nominations for the National Assembly. Ginsburg’s solution, even in a quip, was to have all women.
The answer, it seems comes from a 2008 article Loving Gender Balance, which argued that the goal of sex equality is to eliminate the differences between the sexes by fostering a balance of sexes represented in leadership positions. The problem with one woman is that it’s too little: she necessarily plays a token role. Whether intended to or not, her voice will represent women’s voices, and that is necessarily inaccurate given women’s stake in the world.
At the other end of the scale, fifty percent is too much. The problem with half is that it may enforce too much precision on those decision on who fits best. Quotas are great, but everyone needs some wiggle-room, perhaps especially leaders making crucial managerial choices. Hidalgo’s own choice here makes the point perfectly. She chose who to put in her leadership team and it happened to be more than 60% women so it violated the law. But it clearly did not sit at exactly half.
Ginsburg’s “nine women” quip sounds right in a sense – with it she clearly implied that when there were nine women at the top of their profession that would be ideal. But this is the problem – every meritocracy has its biases, and the goal of regulating sex equality is to provide it for people of all sexes, not just to bring women up from coverture.
Goldilocks has the right answer: it’s somewhere in between. The “critical mass” level is when there’s enough members of an underrepresented group so that it finds its voice in decision-making. That level is a third, because less than that number can be ignored by a majority, and doesn’t include enough diverse voices within the group to convince others. A third provides that fuller representation that goes beyond the token. Norway drew on this notion in mandating forty percent for its pioneering Corporate Board Quota. The reason Norway’s statute served as a model for so many jurisdictions is that it focuses on gender balance itself.
Forty percent establishes a floor for either of the two most common sexes, men and women. What it does is at once provide opportunity to the excluded with a floor for both genders and “protect” each gender with a ceiling for the other. This range for compliance doesn’t allow the pendulum of gender equality to swing too far as it did with Hidalgo.
Here’s the key point, though. A gender balance rule works in part by protecting men from potential exclusion. Given that women increasingly hold a dominant number of higher education degrees in most developed countries, it would not be such a far-fetched fear on men’s part. In addition, it must be noted, that men still hold dominant positions in public and private leadership, so their investment in gender balance proves crucial.
Ginsberg’s own record of litigation and jurisprudence supports this reading. Many of her earlier cases emphasized ways in which men suffered from sexism. This was an astute means for her to sway the all-male court to her side, but it wasn’t just about strategy. The purpose itself was in fact to provide equal opportunity to all sexes. One can make the case, as Hidalgo does, that one municipality’s overinclusion of women should not matter when nearly all over-exclude women.
However admirable her effort, the law was right to punish Hidalgo. It makes it clear that the law takes sex equality seriously. Indeed, it makes an example of the overinclusion, and marks that feminist laws advance gender balance and sex equality for all sexes. They aren’t there just to advance women. If we are to become a society in which we assume nothing about what our children should be based on their sex, where children – of all sexes – can fairly dream to be absolutely anything, the law must play a role in making it happen.