The courts of the North East come across a whole host of cases, from gruesome murders to white-collar crime. But one of the most common offences defendants are hauled before the court for is theft.
Some shoplifters are incredibly prolific, targeting shops numerous times before they're brought to justice. From a serial thief with 250 offences on his record to a man who pretended he couldn't walk and used a wheelchair to aid his criminality, we've rounded up some of the shoplifters and thieves sentenced in the past year.
Here, we take a look at eight of the most notorious criminals who have been dragged into the dock in the past 12 months for shoplifting and theft offences.
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Sonny Tote

Sonny Tote went on on a three-month-long shoplifting spree targeting the same Aldi store, mainly stealing shrubs and flowers, before he assaulted his partner. The 26-year-old grabbed her arms and pulled her hair, which left her with bruising, then damaged her mobile phone.
Newcastle Magistrates' Court was told that Tote, of Aln Crescent, in Fawdon, stole from Aldi, in Walker, six times between July and October 2021. In total, he made off with £990-worth of plants and chocolate.
Tote, who had only recently been released from prison and was on post-sentence supervision at the time, avoided an immediate stint behind bars by "the skin of his teeth" after he pleaded guilty to six counts of shop theft, two of criminal damage and one of assault by beating.
Tote was given 20-weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months, and was ordered to pay £990 compensation to Aldi and £100 compensation to his partner. He was also made the subject of a restraining order, banning him from contacting his girlfriend or her mum for 18 months.
David Appleby

This sneaky serial shop thief used a wheelchair he didn't need to help him steal valuables. David Appleby pretended he couldn't walk after he had originally been given the wheelchair for a bad back - but when recovered used it to aid his criminality.
The court heard Appleby was already subject to conditional discharges for early shop theft offences when he went on another spree in March and April, 2021. He struck at Asda on March 11, 2021, stealing children's toys worth £121.
On April 14 he stole perfume and shaving equipment worth more than £800 from Boots and two days later he stole place mats and perfume worth around £270 from Next.
Appleby, of Sunderland Road, Gateshead, pleaded guilty to four counts of theft and breaching his conditional discharges. The 31-year-old who has 93 previous convictions, including a long list of shoplifting offences, was jailed for 12 months at Newcastle Crown Court.
Michael Crozier

Serial shoplifter Michael Crozier had been on a spree of offences in Blyth, Northumberland, where he stole items from various stores worth hundreds of pounds. He left staff terrified with threats and a racist insult when he was challenged for stealing chocolates.
When staff in Aldi saw him pinching five boxes of Celebrations chocolates, they went after him and challenged him. He told one worker: "I will hit you if you come closer, what you going to do?" He then picked up a glass bottle and raised it above his head.
He pleaded guilty to racially aggravated harassment, common assault and ten offences of shoplifting. The court heard that between July 17 and September 1, 2021, he stole items including alcohol and Aerial washing pods from Asda, Morrison's, Poundland, Boots, Lidl and Wilkinson, all in Blyth.
Crozier, 33, of Cowpen Road, Blyth, who has 35 previous convictions, was jailed for six weeks by Recorder Mark Giuliani.
Peter Orange

Peter Orange pretended to help a mum push a baby in a pram in order to steal her phone. Orange, who has more than 200 offences, targeted the woman while she was shopping in an Aldi store, in Newcastle.
His latest crime spree started on May 8, 2021, when he was captured on CCTV trying the door to a garage at a house of Stamfordham Road, in Blakelaw. He failed to gain entry, so tried the door of the car parked outside, again without success.
Just 10 days later, Orange, of Binswood Avenue, in Blakelaw, targeted the mum in Aldi, also on Stamfordham Road.
He pleaded guilty to one count of theft and two separate offences of attempted burglary and vehicle interference, and was given a 38-week prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.
Suzanne Innes

This prolific shoplifter's latest theft spree netted her £2,000 of make-up, toiletries and candles. Time and time again, Suzanne Innes has stolen from shops and flouted court orders aimed at rehabilitating her.
A court heard she has 64 previous offences on her record, including more than 50 convictions for theft. But despite being on two suspended prison sentences, she shoplifted a further six times.
The court heard Innes struck at Boots, at the Metro Centre, in August 2020, stealing make-up worth £1,070 then stole toiletries worth £372 from the same store the following week. In September she stole items worth £261 from TX Maxx in Gilesgate, County Durham.
In December she stole Yankee candles worth £127 from Clinton Cards and similar candles worth £47 from Collectables. On the same day she stole electrical items from Superdrug worth £167.
Innes, 35, of Ashfield House, Millfield, Sunderland, admitted six counts of shoplifting and was jailed for 30 weeks.
Charlene Davison

Heroin addict Charlene Davison was watched by security staff at Marks and Spencer, on Northumberland Street, in Newcastle, as she stuffed clothes, lingerie and jeans into foil-lined bags on February 21, 2021.
The 35-year-old then went to the checkouts to pay for some fruit but didn't pay for anything else, a court heard. She was quickly stopped by staff and the police were called but she was "uncooperative" with officers and initially gave false details.
The court heard that both bags, which were foil-lined, were seized and all the items, worth £271, were recovered.
Davison, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to one count of shop theft and one of failing to surrender to custody. Davison was given a 12-month community order and ordered to pay a £95 victim surcharge.
Lyndsey Halliwell

Just days before Christmas, Lyndsey Halliwell was spotted bundling children's toys into carrier bags in WH Smith on Northumberland Street, Newcastle, before trying to leave the store without paying.
But the 30-year-old had already come to the attention of security staff, who watched her as she made her way around the shop, a court heard. Halliwell, who had her young child with her, was stopped on Northumberland Street as staff called over a nearby police officer.
In total, the mum had tried to make off with £123-worth of toys during the incident on December 20, 2020, which her solicitor said she intended to sell on.
After pleading guilty to shop theft Halliwell, of High Meadows, Kenton, Newcastle, was given a 12-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £32 victim surcharge.
Neil Ganjel

This career crook with 250 offences on his criminal record was jailed once again after his latest shoplifting spree. Neil Ganjel, who already owes the courts more than £6,500 in compensation alone, targeted the same branch of Boots five times in just three days in February 2021.
On two occasions, the 31-year-old store from the store twice within a few hours by dashing inside, grabbing make-up and razors then fleeing without paying.
The court heard that Ganjel stole goods worth more than £400 and none had been recovered by police.
The serial thief, of Queen's Terrace, Jesmond, was locked up once again, this time for 16 weeks after he pleaded guilty to five counts of shop theft. As well as the jail sentence, Ganjel must pay Boots £128 compensation.