Shōgun, FX's epic series based on the book of the same name by James Clavell, premiered on February 27, 2024, and established itself as one of the year's Game of Thrones-level television events. It follows the fictional story of Lord Yoshii Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada), a 17th-century Japanese lord who is pulled into a battle of wits as his enemies conspire to take away his power and have him killed. If he dies, all his allies will likely be executed with him, including British sailor John Blackthorne (Cosmo Jarvis) and translator Toda Mariko (Anna Sawai).
Over its run, the series became FX's most-watched show ever and eventually an awards season favorite. Although the finale in April 2024 brought the stories of Toranaga, Mariko, and Blackthorne to an end, fans are hoping for any chance that the series' gorgeous, brutal, intricate depiction of 1600s Japan could return. As it turns out, with the show's success, FX may also be not ready to let go of its new mega-hit series. Below, here's what we know about the future of Shōgun.
What happens at the end of 'Shōgun?'
Shōgun followed the looming war between Toranaga and his vassal lords and Ishido Kazunari (Takehiro Hira) and Ochiba-no-kata (Fumi Nikaido), mother of the country's Heir—and by the end of the finale, all of the season's big questions were answered.
Following Mariko's sacrifice at Osaka Castle in the penultimate episode, the other members of the Council of Regents turn against Ishido. He also loses Ochiba, who was childhood friends with Mariko, and becomes enraged that he had her killed. Because of that, Ochiba sends a secret note to Toranaga promising that her son's military will not join Ishido's at war. Without the backing of the Heir, the rest of the Council is expected to turn against Ishido, and Toranaga will easily win the battle and become the de facto leader of Japan.
Meanwhile, Blackthorne is utterly devastated by Mariko's death. He's allowed to return to Toranaga in Edo, but he learns that Mariko made a deal with the Portuguese Catholics. Instead of killing Blackthorne, they torch his ship — leaving him with close to nothing, as now both Mariko and his ship are gone, as well as his consort Fuji (Moeka Hoshi), who announces that she's going to become a nun.
However, when Blackthorne goes to Toranaga to ask for permission to kill himself, the bushō has other plans: He tells him to rebuild his ship and resume his role as captain of Toranaga's war fleet.
Then, in the final scene when Toranaga lays out his plan to the soon-to-be-executed Yabushige (Tadanobu Asano), the warlord reveals that he was the one to burn Blackthorne's ship, at Mariko's request. Toranaga also admits that he kept the anjin around just because he amused him.
As the 1980 adaptation of Shōgun centered Blackthorne's character so much so that the Japanese dialogue wasn't translated, it's a nice note to end on, illustrating how much the Englishman was a relative non-factor.
Will there be a 'Shōgun' season 2?
Despite originally being billed as a miniseries, Shōgun's immense success has made FX reconsider the show's fate. On May 16, 2024, the network announced that FX and Hulu were interested in developing not one but two additional seasons of the period drama, with season 1 co-creators Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo, executive producer Michaela Clavell, and star and producer Hiroyuki Sanada on board.
Per the press release, "Production timing has not been locked in, but a writers’ room is being assembled and will begin this summer."
The news came after Deadline reported on May 10 that Hiroyuki Sanada had "closed a deal" to return as Lord Yoshii Toronaga for a future season.
According to the outlet, "Other elements are still being worked out and deals are being finalized as part of an effort by FX to take Shogun to a second season in light of the big commercial and critical success of the limited series."
Still, as of early 2025, it's yet to be revealed if a season 2 is officially greenlighted. However, an update on season 2's pre-production came with the Shōgun team's appearance at the 2025 Golden Globes, where the series racked up even more awards following its record-breaking Emmys run. Speaking to Variety, creator team Kondo and Marks revealed that writing for the new season is still underway, since returning to the writers room over the summer.
"Well, it’s ongoing. We’re still trying. We haven’t given up. And I’m not sure what we can say," said Kondo, with Marks adding, "We’re about six weeks from the end of the writers room."
What could happen in 'Shōgun' season 2?
It's hard to guess where Shōgun season 2 could go. Season 1 is essentially a full adaption of Clavell's novel, as the show's central plot goes up to the novel's end. However, countless original stories could be explored in a sequel season, from later years in Toranaga and Blackthorne's lives to an entirely new period of Japanese history or even a prequel.
Some clues could be found in the real-life history that inspired the series. Shōgun technically ends before we see Toranaga and Ishido on the battlefield, though the finale does show the moment before the fight when Ishido learns that Ochiba has betrayed him. As for the true history, the Battle of Sekigahara took place on October 21, 1600, and was won by Toranaga's real-life counterpart, Tokugawa Ieyasu. The fighting lasted six hours, with Tokugawa winning after some other powerful lords switched to his side.
Per the USC Pacific Asia Museum, Tokugawa's victory marked the end of over 200 years of civil war and gave way to the start of the peaceful Edo period. The Tokugawa shogunate ruled over Japan for the next 250 years from the relocated capital of Edo, or modern-day Tokyo. Assuming both the Shōgun novel and miniseries follow this path, Toranaga succeeded in bringing forth "a nation without wars" and "an era of great peace."
What has the cast and crew said about 'Shōgun' season 2?
Before news broke that FX is considering a season 2, creators Marks and Kondo said in interviews that they had never planned for an additional season.
Although speaking to The Hollywood Reporter in a March 2024 interview, the duo did say it was a "bummer" to end the series after such hard work.
"We took the story to the end of the book and put a period at the end of that sentence," Marks told the outlet. "We love how the book ends; it was one of the reasons why we both knew we wanted to do it—and we ended in exactly that place. And I’ve been party to this in the past with shows like this, where you build a whole factory, and it only pumps out 10 cars and closes up shop. It’s a bummer."
During an interview with Marie Claire, Anna Sawai admitted that she'd be open to returning to the character of Mariko if the right circumstances arise.
"I love Mariko so much that if there was more that I could explore, I would do it in a heartbeat," she said. "But I think that her story is now complete, and I don't know if anyone should be trying to like touch that. It's kind of perfect the way it ended."
Still, she expressed interest in seeing more of her character's arc in some form. She added, "If there is a prequel then, yeah, it would be when she's younger, and I don't know if I can play her younger."
When will 'Shōgun' season 2 be released?
With season 2 not yet confirmed, it's hard to say when the show will return. As the writers room is supposed to finish by spring 2025, FX will likely take some time to evaluate whether the storyline they've produced is worth pursuing. With pre-production unofficially in full swing and the amount of awards recognition Shōgun has earned, we'd guess more episodes are definitely on the way—but probably not for a while. If we had to guess, the show may not be back until 2026.