Shetland season 9 sees Ashley Jensen return as DI Ruth Calder as she is once again thrown into a dark and distressing case that she fights to solve with her colleague and friend Tosh (Alison O’Donnell). This season sees the pair drawn into a deeply personal investigation for Tosh when her friend, Annie Bett is murdered and soon a shocking twist reveals not everything is as it seems.
Here is everything that happened in Shetland season 9 episode episode 3...
The third episode of Shetland season 9 opens with Campervan Angus waking early in the morning to see a van entering the marine research facility. He grabs his video camera and heads down to the building to investigate, but leaves his notebook behind. As he sneaks in, Angus is filming everything. He hears voices and goes down some stairs to investigate, but when he hears a scream, he drops his camera in shock and runs away, leaving his camcorder behind which is still filming. The following morning Lisa wakes up at the campervan and finds Angus missing.
Tosh and her other half, Donny, are arguing about her arresting Ian the previous day when Donny gets a text that shocks him. The text is telling them about Ian's hit and run and Tosh races to the hospital to see him. He is in a bad way, very battered and bruised but alive. He is still cross with her for thinking he could kill Annie and she says that he should have just told her about his affair with Joanie and she never would have arrested him.
Tosh asks Ian about the scar on Annie's shoulder that was found in the post-mortem. She doesn't say that it's a bullet wound and he says Annie told him it was from a bike accident that happened when she lived in London. It is clear from Tosh's face that she knows Annie lied to her husband.
Calder tells Tosh that Annie was a spy and she can't believe that her friend, who she has known for years, was hiding such a huge secret. The pair meet Rossi and he tells them more about Annie's secret life, revealing she was an analyst - a bit like a codebreaker - and that she was recruited in her last year at Oxford University. Tosh and Calder ask about her being shot in the shoulder and he tells them that it was just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and the reason there are no medical records is because she was treated at a private facility.
Rossi seems particularly interested in the Jakobson family, who Bergen was working for and tells Tosh and Calder that whatever Annie and Bergen were doing was so dangerous that they had to keep their friendship under wraps.
Back at the station, Calder says she knows someone who works at Thames House and might ask him what he knows about Rossi... Sandy interrupts to say phone records show that Annie and Bergen only had contact for five weeks leading up to their murders and that Bergen's internet history shows he had been researching flights to Estonia. They also discover the call that Bergen got the night he died was from the Jakobson house, even through they said they'd not spoken to him. But before Calder can escape, Tosh grills her on her 'special friend' from Thames House, joking that she used to date a spy, but Calder doesn't want to talk about it.

With Angus missing Lisa heads down to the marine research facility and asks them if they have seen him, but the woman who answers the intercom says no one has been there and hangs up before Lisa can ask anything further.
Back at the station, Billy shows Tosh the CCTV of John Harris hitting Ian with his car and then getting out to beat him up, while Calder goes back to the Jakobson house to ask them about the call made from their place to Bergen the night he was killed. It turns out it was Astrid who called Bergen, she claims it was to ask him what movie they were going to be watching for their next movie night, but it is clear that Calder doesn't believe her. On the way out Astrid's mother apologises to Calder for her wasted trip, and Calder uses the chance to ask her if Bergen had links to Estonia, but she says no.
Over on the other side of the island, Tosh goes to see John to ask him about the hit and run and he admits to it instantly, telling Tosh he did it because he thought Ian had killed Annie and he wanted him to pay. John is taken in for questioning where he says that Annie was his only friend and it is also revealed that John's eldest son, Patrick has a connection to Bergen becasue he played poker with him.
Calder tells Tosh she didn't get far with the Jakobsons but knows something is going on with them. She has done some background checks on them and found they have a company that specialises in international wealth management.
Calder asks Tosh to go with her to talk to Noah as she's not great with kids - they get there and he eventually starts talking about the night of the party. Noah tells them he and Annie were heading back to John's house but Annie got a phone call from Bergen - so they collected him on a road, but it was dark so he can't tell them much about the location. He says Bergen was upset and crying, so Annie drove to the old house where she put Noah to bed, but there weren't any beds so he went to sleep in the bath. He then woke up becasue he was cold, but when Annie didn't come when he shouted for her he went to find her and saw her on the floor. He thought she was sleeping but he couldn't wake her and she was bleeding. He says Annie was cold so he laid down with her and hugged her to get her warm, but he fell asleep. Noah explains that when he woke again Annie was still cold so he went to get help.
Noah's aunt and uncle get upset as he explains what happened, and when his aunt goes to the back door to cry we see Rossi is watching the house. Back inside Calder asks Noah about his toy dinosaur and he says that he saw a real one on the night that his mum died, as they were going to collect Bergen.

Lisa asks Alan for help finding Angus and he calls Calder, who comes to the campervan in the hope Lisa can answer some questions about Annie. Despite seeing her at the shelter the day she died, Lisa says she had no problem with Annie and wants Calder to help find Angus. Calder finds his log book where the last entry says he is heading down to the research facility, so she tells Lisa and Alan that she is heading down herself to investigate. They let her in and it turns out that the pace is empty apart from one woman who introduces herself as Doctor Mohan, who says she is the head researcher, or at least will be when they get the place up and running. She denies seeing Angus and says no one is there at night.
Meanwhile, Tosh arrives at the Harris house to talk to Patrick about his debt and stealing money from the mussel farm, but he isn't home so she chats with the younger brother, Fergus, first. He tells her that he loved having Annie and Noah around but while they are talking Patrick comes home. Tosh tells him that the forensic team found his fingerprint inside the Bett house, but Partick denies the break-in, saying he was at JJ Wang's place having a meal and drinks. Tosh asks if he killed Annie because she knew about him ripping off his dad, but Patrick simply repeats that he was with JJ that night. However, we later see him visiting JJ in his kitchen and he tells him 'things didn't go to plan'.
Calder asks Billy to put out an alert on Angus, while she drives out of the marine lab she sees unused diggers that are positioned in a way that they could look like a dinosaur in the dark, and it is clear she is thinking about what Noah told her earlier.
Calder gets home to find Rossi at her house and he has information about Bergen - he says Mr Jakobson has been on a police watchlist for a while, mainly becasue he is rich and foreign. He says there might not be a connection between this list and Annie and Bergen, but he wanted her to know.
Meanwhile, the Jakobsons are arguing at home. Karin tells her husband that she wants to go back to London, but he is adamant that he won't be going with her.
In town, Tosh goes to some drinks in memory of Annie but it is awkward becasue everyone still blames her for arresting Ian. Tosh talks to Jamie, a friend who works at the airport and he tells her that Annie asked him about flights, but not passenger flights, freight planes that had come in. Tosh asks him to send her a list of the flights Annie was asking about and he agrees.

Angus is found at a hospital entrance but is confused... Calder arrives and finds a nurse has taken him in, given him some fluids, and then called the police station. The nurse says he kept talking about experiments. Lisa arrives with Alan and is upset when Angus doesn't recognise her, and asks what is wrong with him. But as Lisa grills the nurse, Calder notices something on Angus's arm, which looks like he has been given an injection. Angus finally speaks and mutters 'he was right, Bergen was right' but then he stops talking again.
Calder takes Tosh to the research facility and shows her the diggers that look like a dinosaur, explaining that this is the place Annie collected Bergen from the night they died.
Meanwhile, John and his sons, Fergus and Patrick are out on their fishing boat when they start arguing about why Tosh came to see Patrick the day before. John wants to know details and Patrick says he was with JJ, but John reminds him that Saturday morning Patrick was up before him, which never happens and suggests that he hadn't been to bed that night. John accuses Patrick of not coming home the night Annie died and they have a fight about the fact Patrick didn't like Annie and that she had told John about him stealing from the family business. John says he knows that Patrick is in debt to JJ and Patrick winds his dad up about his friendship with Annie, calling him pathetic... to the point that John lashes out with a metal hook from the boat. But, instead of hitting Patrick, Angus gets caught up in the middle of it all and falls to the ground, bleeding from his head before he dies on the floor of the boat.
Shetland season 9 airs at 9pm on Wednesdays on BBC One. It will also arrive on BBC iPlayer each week after the episode has aired on BBC One.