Carmen Vandenberg recently joined Jerry Cantrell on guitar duties at his show in Raleigh, North Carolina, on August 27. The former Jeff Beck guitarist played on a rendition of Man in the Box, the Grammy-nominated Alice In Chains classic.
“Raleigh, great show tonight thx for hosting us,” wrote Cantrell on Instagram. “Carmen Vandenberg jumped up on MITB and killed it. My good man Herb made yet another successful catch of the flying Blue Dress. Fun night all around.”
Vandenberg accompanied the Alice in Chains guitarist on rhythm guitar before delivering her own rendition of the iconic Man in the Box solo that Cantrell played on the original record, all while brandishing a Duesenberg Julia guitar.
Cantrell opted for the G&L ‘Blue Dress’ Rampage he's consistently used throughout his career.
In a recent Total Guitar interview, Vandenberg talked about cutting her teeth with Jeff Beck and discussed an off-kilter test she had to undergo to become part of Beck's band.
“The first time I went to his house, he sat me in front of a ton of amps, no pedals or anything, and gave me a guitar. The test was, he would put me through each one of the amps, and he wanted to see if I could get my tone no matter what he put me through or how he set it.
“Because technically, your tone is all on your fingers and the way you play, and you’ve got some control with the guitar itself. But, you know, Jeff would always sound like Jeff no matter what you put him through. That was his test.”
In April, Cantrell's 'Blue Dress' G&L was reported stolen by the Alice In Chains guitarist and his team, but it turned out to just be misplaced.