Pupils at Shawhead Primary have been spreading a cup of cheer around the community.
The children normally invite people into the school to share a soup and a pudding lunch each term, making the soup and bread themselves with donations from their families.
These are a lovely way to involve people in the community, who have been very supportive – but coronavirus restrictions meant that wasn’t possible this year.
Instead, Shawhead School Parent Council donated some plain white china mugs. The children decorated them using porcelain markers, then baked them and filled them with individually wrapped biscuits, also donated by the parent council.
Brown packing paper used in mail order parcels was collected and the children printed their own designs onto this, wrapping the gifts and making their own gift tags from old Christmas cards.
The pupils then set off in the wind and rain to deliver these gifts to some of the village residents. The recipients were very surprised and happy with their gifts and were treated to spontaneous carol singing as the youngsters worked their way round the village.
The weather may have been chilly, but it was a heart-warming experience that everyone enjoyed.
Thanks go to the parent council for their support in this project.