First-time author Abhishek Choudhary recently released his debut biography of former Indian prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, titled 'Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-1977'.
The book was launched by Congress leader and author Shashi Tharoor, BJP leader Swapan Dasgupta and journalist Manisha Pande at a jam-packed event at India International Centre in New Delhi on June 21, 2023.
The definitive biography is an effort by Choudhary at busting popular myths and revealing lesser-known facts about the admired yet misunderstood former Prime Minister.
Kickstarting the event, Teesta Guha Sarkar, Editorial Director at Pan Macmillan India, said that this is not only an authoritative biography but also a true investigation of the many complex factors that led to the rise of the country’s right wing.
The book launch was followed by a discussion on Vajpayee and the new biography on him.
Speaking at the launch of the book, Manisha Pande said, “On the internet or if you read newspapers and magazines, you can’t escape being recommended this book. In the non-fiction space, there hasn’t been a book this year that has created such a buzz.”
She also revealed that the second volume of the book will be coming in December 2023 which will cater to the time period from 1978 till 2008-2009.
Pande then asked Choudhary, the reason behind choosing Vajpayee as his subject. To this, the author replied, “I always thought people write biographies to praise dead men. Later I realized that biography can be a strong standalone genre in which you can use an individual’s life to illuminate something larger. The idea came to me when there was a succession struggle inside the BJP. Mr Modi was made the prime ministerial candidate, Mr. Advani was sidelined, there was a lot of nostalgia, not among the Sangh Parivar but among the liberals about what Vajpayee would have done."
He also said that the common impression of Vajpayee is very different from the man he was.
“I noticed certain patterns. Every time RSS was in trouble, every time RSS was banned, he always came to defend the Sangh Parivar when they needed him the most,” he said.
Talking about Vajpayee's governance, Tharoor said, “In terms of why Vajpayee appeals to so many people is two folds-- first because of the manner in which he conducted his prime ministership for six years, and second because of the contrast in which the successive BJP government has behaved.
“What is intriguing about Abhishek’s first volume is that it covers the less familiar parts of Vajpayee,” he added, in praise of the book.
Meanwhile, Swapan Dasgupta said there was a remaking of Vajpayee after he became the prime minister, and the new biography restores him to the ‘Hindu side’. “When you talk about so-called Indian Right… it meant Atal Bihari Vajpayee. I don’t see Vajpayee as a liberal, I think Vajpayee was a conservative, he was a traditionalist. Just because Vajpayee was often ambivalent about what he believed in, they thought he did not have any strong convictions,” he said.
“From the late 1960s when Congress turned sharply to the left under the influence of the communist party, people like Vajpayee became more and more relevant,” he added.
Talking about the book he said, “I recognised more of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Abhishek’s book than I do in any of the other attempted biographies.'
At the end of the discussion, when someone from the audience asked if Vajpayee and his politics would’ve been right now, would he have been a ‘wrong man in a rightist party’, Choudhary said, “He was the ‘right man in the right party'. Had he been around in 2023, he wouldn’t have quit BJP."
'Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-1977' is published by Pan Macmillan India.
(Byline: Devanshi Batra)