Florida Keys Travel, for the second time recently, has shared footage showing a tiger shark chasing a turtle practically onto the sand. The latest Instagram post cautioned:
“Think again before you go knee-deep in the Florida Keys — you never know what might be lurking beneath the surface!”
In the footage, posted below, the shark nearly strands on the beach before retreating safely back into deeper water.
“Welcome to the keys,” one follower remarked.
While Floridians expressed gratitude for the warning, the post is misleading.
The footage was actually captured last January in Western Australia. I interviewed the photographer, Ruth Gaw, after seeing her Facebook post.
Gaw told me that the turtle escaped and that a large stingray also “got chased in, but I had stopped recording when it happened.”
She was observing from the beach at Monkey Mia, which is famous for its white sand and abundant marine life. Gaw spotted the shark approaching as her husband Derek and son Arran were fishing for mackerel.
Click here for the full story.