There are now more than 100 food festivals across the UK, from last weekend’s long-established Ludlow festival with more than 180 food and drink suppliers to this week’s Manchester’s food and drink festival and London’s VegFestUK in November. All celebrate home-grown produce and delicious flavours. There are festivals dedicated to garlic, chillies, watercress, oysters, lobsters and street food. And they all give you a day off from being a slave to the stove. We’d like you to tell us about a favourite temptingly tasty food festival that you have enjoyed. If you have a relevant photo, do send it in – but it’s your words that will be judged for the competition.
Keep your tip to about 100 words
The best tip of the week, chosen by Tom Hall of Lonely Planet, will win a £200 voucher to stay at a Sawday’s property – the company has more than 3,000 in the UK and Europe. The best tips will appear on the Guardian Travel website, and maybe in the paper, too.
We’re sorry, but for legal reasons you must be a UK resident to enter this competition.
The competition closes on 20 September at 9am BST
Have a look at our past winners and other tips
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