After months of waiting, fan will finally get to feast their eyes on Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan movie trailer that is set to drop online later today, August 31. Ahead of the trailer launch, the Bollywood superstar flew to Chennai, where he attended a star-studded Jawan launch event that celebrated the music of the film.
At the event, Art Director Muthuraj revealed how SRK, choosing to leave the comfort of Mumbai, to shoot the film in Chennai, helped thousands of families in the state of Tamil Nadu. At the event, he said in Tamil, "3000 families in Chennai, in Tamil Nadu have prospered because of you and your willingness to come from Mumbai and shoot in Chennai. For that, we are eternally grateful."
The statement not only earned hoots and cheers from the crowds gathered at the venue, but also went viral online earning praise from adoring fans in India and around the world. Taking to their handles to share the video, fans repeated the line in the clip saying, "We are eternally grateful!"
Others praised the star and expressed their gratitude saying, "We love you three thousand for that KING!"
Still others dubbed him as a 'LIVING LEGEND!'
According to reports, Shah Rukh shot in the state for an estimated 150-day schedule.
At the grand pre-release event at Sri Sairam Engineering College in Chennai, Shah Rukh performed several songs from the flick and also addressed the audience live for the first time since officially kicking off promotions a month in advance.
While addressing the people, he said, "I'm humbled. Thank you so much for inviting me. I enjoy Tamil films. I realised early on that the best films are made in Tamil."
Shah Rukh also expressed his love for Tamil food, "Eating here in Tamil Nadu was fantastic, I lost my six packs and gained them back. I found a wonderful variety of dishes in Tamil Nadu."
The director of the film, Atlee added, "I was in Mumbai working with filmmaker Shankar on Enthiran. My pal informed me that we were shooting outside SRK's residence. He requested me to take a picture in front of the gate. After 13 years, the same gate opened, and King Khan himself said, 'Welcome, Atlee sir'. So it is true. Good things will happen in your life if you appreciate ladies."
He added, "Nayanthara was unable to attend today due to Onam. She remains in Kerala."
Film producer Gokulam Gopalan said, "We are really delighted to make this film because it stars a great actor, SRK, as well as a big south Indian actress, Nayanthara, who is from Kerala. This film was primarily directed by Atlee, a talented filmmaker. I am extremely proud that Tamil Nadu is expanding in all directions. Our Tamil cinema is now entering Bollywood and will soon be entering Hollywood. This will almost certainly be a box office smash."
According to reports the 'Jawan' trailer will be out on August 31 at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
Early this week, SRK unveiled a new peppy track 'Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya'. This is the third song from the film after Chaleya and Zinda Banda.
The film is all set to hit the theatres on September 7.